Another NYC Feral Cat Feeding Problem

Another NYC Feral Cat Feeding Problem

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Readers, we have another New York City feral cat feeding problem developing. I really don’t understand what’s wrong with people these days. Feral cats in New York are a GOOD thing. They cut down on the rat population. Anyone living in New York will tell you the rats there are almost as large as the cats. The cats keep the rodent problem under control.

Now a NYC Transit Authority supervisor is alleged to be forbidding employees from feeding four feral cats who live near the Cross Bay and Marine bridges in the Rockaway area of Queens. Two of these cats are seniors who will probably die without the food being given them by these caring employees.

Someone should make it known to Superintendent Mullin than he’s breaking a few rules here by forbidding “off the clock” employees to feed the cats. He can be reported to the Labor board over this issue. What employees do on their lunch hour or breaks is up to them (unless alcohol or drugs are involved). If these employees want to feed the feral cats, a stray dog, or a bunch of pigeons, the Transit Authority shouldn’t have any say in the matter. What these employees are doing isn’t illegal.

Another law Superintendent Mullin should look into is the New York Agriculture and Markets Law 353. This law states it’s a criminal offense to deprive any animal (including feral cats) of food and water.

Please call Superintendent Mullin at 718-692-5515 and ask that the employees be allowed to feed these ferals. Another phone number to voice concerns over this issue is 646-252-7160.

Several who have called these numbers have been hung up on or gotten a “no comment” reply to the situation.

I would like the readers opinion here. Do you think a company should dictate whether or not you decide to feed cats, dogs, birds or whatever during your breaks? I’ve never had to deal with this personally. I’ve worked a lot of sites where stray cats will be hanging around and I’ll buy a burger or something and break it up on the ground outside. Other employees would leave food out in the patio area and some even brought cat food from home.

I’ve even had friends who took stray cats home with them if the cats were willing. I did this myself several years ago with a cat I found named Zack. I believe businesses have more to worry about than an employee offering a meal to a hungry cat.

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