Do we, inadvertently, nearly always anthropomorphise the domestic cat? I believe that we have difficulty with dissociating the cat as a family member from human family members. I believe that all too often without realising it people judge cat behaviour from the standpoint of human behaviour. They measure cat behaviour in reference to the behaviour of a young child. If you do this you invariably come to the wrong conclusions. One such conclusion is that a cat can be naughty and should be punished. Naughtiness followed by punishment is classic anthropomorphisation of the domestic cat. Another example is people asking: “why are cats mean?”. That don’t know what “mean” means!
For many people animals are humans “without our failings and vices”. Anthropomorphise: To ascribe human characteristics to things not human.
I recently wrote an article about attention seeking behaviour in cats and after I wrote it I realised that the concept of attention seeking behaviour is one that really relates to people. I am not sure that it is at all in the minds of domestic cats that they need to seek attention in order to get what they want.
Yes, domestic cats do ask, in one way and another either by vocalisations or for example tapping you with their paw, but these are requests. The domestic cat has to make a request because they are reliant upon the human caretaker for everything particularly when they are full-time indoor cats. In contrast, cats that are allowed outside are probably more likely to make fewer requests and therefore may in the words and concepts of human beings be less attention seeking.
A well-known writer about cats says that cat scratching is a form of attention seeking. Perhaps I’ve misinterpreted what she has written but there is simply no connection between a cat scratching some furniture, for instance, and seeking attention. Cat scratching is a form of feline behaviour. It has many purposes and they are all founded in wild cat behaviour. This is inherited behaviour from the wild cat ancestor and when a cat scratches there is no reference to human beings in what he or she is doing.
Also, the domestic cat does not do naughty things deliberately to catch a person’s attention. I believe that is also anthropomorphising the domestic cat. Being naughty deliberately is the sort of thing that a child might do. We know that. But to cross reference that form of human behaviour to cat behaviour is obviously incorrect.
The fact of the matter is that for the majority the relationship of human caretaker to domestic cat is really one of parent to child. Even from the cat’s perspective people are seen as mother cats because they provide food and shelter. offThe adult domestic cat has somewhat the mentality of a kitten. This encourages us to believe that the domestic cat is a child.
If people relate to their domestic cat as a family member but as a child then there’s bound to be a breakdown in expectations on the human’s behalf. This can lead to relinquishments to animal rescue organisations.
It is vital that cat owners have realistic expectations and ones which are firmly rooted in genuine cat behaviour which means understanding wild cat behaviour as well.
I believe that a lot that is wrong with cat ownership stems from anthropomorphising the domestic cat inadvertently and unintentionally. People cannot be blamed particularly because often people who anthropomorphise their cats are very good people and wish to do right by their cat but misguided good hearted cat caretaking is not going to great for the cat.
That’s very generous of you but I do go on a bit too much i the same point usually – that’s how I see it on hindsight. I don’t know why I think it matters to analyse to such an extent but I do know that it changes my feelings about a matter, often for the better, sometimes to the point of solving it completely and being able to let go of it emotionally with a feeling of resolve.
Language is brilliant at shedding light on stuff. Even what I just said about resolve. Brialliant word, linked I believe to ‘resolution’, which has two very powerful meanings that create a super interesting juxta position. In Chinese the word for ‘destiny’ is the same as the word for ‘opportunity’, obviously language was made when we still had some idea about how to live sustainably. In Swedish, interestingly the word for ‘destiny’ is the same as the word for ‘waste’ – putting all 3 together is pretty weird to compare.
Regardless, I find talking about things alot creates a higher resolution image. It creates resolve, it is the source of my resolutions and the words also act as links to the otherwise unknown. Words are powerful basically, and many of them tell a story through their necessity, inception and form history til present. It’s very telling that we use words like ‘euthanasia’ – this word is ingorance in action if the person using it is invested in using it. Rarely would there be any other reason to use it than to ignore what it really means and what is really happening.
Michael how do you feel about cats treating a human as if it were a giant cat? They do that alot – my ex has 2 cats who she bottle fed – they think she is their mum for sure it’s pretty special. They are very human in their behaviour as it happens anyway. Personally I don’t see it as being significant because they are following their instincts and they grew up in special circumstances. Also there’s an unwritten rule which says if one believes in all honesty that the cat doesn’t know any better, it doesn’t count. It only matters that humans do it because they can easily also not do it – it’s a choice therefore.
It’s pretty interesting to, and excuse me for sounding very dry, analyse the language of analysis on a specific event, person or thing. Often there’s a pattern which is very telling and adds significant meaning to the overall picture.
In this case it is the fact that, if you think about it, we can only start from a point of anthropomorphising – and the challenge is to get rid of that filter we are born with. The only way to start trying to understand the unknown is first by analysing it which, since it’s unknown, we can only do using things we know. Hopefully this gives clues and we can access it and it becomes known, and added to our repertoire of experience, and capacity to understand.
I think it’s brilliant that you said you suspect it’s people who need the affirmation and the cats don’t – that rings true in my mind. And naturally those people think that’s actually what the cat needs because that’s how they see the supposed ‘attention seeking’ behaviour in reference to their own experiences asking for attention.
Here I go repeating the same thing again 5 different ways. I’m at work so better do that 🙂
hey, its all good. I cant believe how Quick this week has flown. Thats all fine. 🙂
hey Kylee – sorry I haven’t wrote back I been busy and pretty scattered – but I’m slowly getting it back together – will write soon 🙂
Good to hear you have abit more faith in Humans we not all bad. Just there’s some of us not to trust. Hope your well. great comment wish i could write big long comments.
Thanks Michael, I tried looking at it in the Dictionary, but couldn’t find it anywhere. Thanks for explaining that. That is true I do believe. I cant write a long comment like Marc:) I do think of our Cats as family and members of the house. not as babies like they cant do anything. I always tend to talk to them I have a special bond with each of them but probably more with Rebel,Hes always been so softy He often complains. I probably treat him alot like a baby as he just a soft touch, doesn’t stand up to anyone. Cause with Jasmin being so young still & just being Fixed. I’ve had to close the cat door on both sides. Which irritate all the Cats.
As Jasmine as copied the others how to get out. So I’m now the door opener and closer. SO every time, one wants in or out im Meowed at loudly which is irritating, when One has just come in and they want out again. They all have their special. I agree with what Marc was saying in the end part, as some cats and i agree my Cats do that sometimes esp when they want something like Rebel wants out or wants my attention he does this Scratching on the Door. Sometimes they get really affection when they want something. You might be busy doing something and intent on doing it , they might just be getting overly loving and meowing heaps, then gets to the point like what do you want thats how it is for me.
It means treating animals as humans. In this case treating a cat as a baby or young child. A lot of people look upon their cat as a person.