Anti-declawing documentary is available for free to the public until September 22 – see it here

This documentary is about one veterinarian (Jennifer Conrad) and her crusade to repair captive Hollywood big cats’ paws from the devastating results of de-clawing, plus her campaign against the financially-driven standard practice of de-clawing domestic house cats in California.

Please put your feet up, grab a glass of wine and watch it all. And then make anyone you know who wants to declaw their cat watch it by sending them a link to this page:


7 thoughts on “Anti-declawing documentary is available for free to the public until September 22 – see it here”

  1. Hi Stew, the video plays for me. It may be that you need to update your Adobe Flash Player software or something like that. Adobe software plays the video as I understand it. Sorry you can’t play it satisfactory.

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