by Gail
(Boston, USA)
Senator Scott Brown - photo Luke X. Martin (Flickr)
I received a voice mail from Carolyn at Senator Scott Brown's office today. I believe the call came in yesterday; unfortunately, I was out sick as I really would've liked to speak with her.
She confirmed that Senator Scott Brown got my correspondence requesting Anti-Declawing Legislation and the reasons why it should be addressed. She seemed interested and said that as the 112th Congress is about to go into session, Senator Brown would consider the motion.
For those of you unfamiliar with Senator Brown, he was elected to the senate seat vacated by the late Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. It is a very powerful seat with a lot of clout and I feel that we need to strike NOW while the fires are hot!!! Although Senator Brown is Republican, he has voted across party lines many times, much to the chagrin of those who would like the status quo to remain. Basically, Senator Brown is the "swing" vote.
Please! If everyone reading this post, including those outside the USA from 'civilized' countries were to either call or send an email to Senator Brown's office a/s/a/p to demand Anti-Declawing Legislation be introduced and the reasons why (including web links, especially links with the graphic videos), I believe we may get some action.
Senator Scott Brown
Tel: 202-224-4543
Washington office:
317 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4543
Fax: (202) 228-2646
Massachusetts office:
2400 JFK Federal Building
15 New Sudbury Street
Boston, MA 02203
Phone: (617) 565-3170
Fax: (617) 723-7325
Massachusetts passed the anti-devocalization law not that long ago. If we can get Senator Brown to help pass declaw legislation, it would affect the entire country, not just Massachusetts. Wouldn't that be awesome?
Hi Beverly. As I recall this post relates to a statewide ban in California of declawing which failed to become law. I may be wrong. There is a similar debate taking place in New York state at the moment. That bill may become law.
Information seems to just end as of 2012 What were the results of Mr. Brown’s consideration of the declawing legislation?