While searching out my next story for PoC, I came across the following “like” page on Facebook.
Rather than trying to explain the mentality of this group, I’ll post a few paragraphs here from the actual page.
“Animal Rights Activists are Mentally Ill and the DSM V Needs to Acknowledge it.The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is used to diagnose mental disorders.”
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association and provides a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders. It is used in the United States and in varying degrees around the world, by clinicians, researchers, psychiatric drug regulation agencies, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and policy makers.
Feel free to use information and notes seen on this page, this page is not just to fight for the DSM-V to acknowledge animal rights activists as mentally ill, but to also inform and educate those being targeted by animal rights activist profiles and pages on Facebook. Do not be intimidated by them, I am here to help educate Facebook users under attack. I am with you.”
The page was started sometime in 2012, and there are many posts comparing animal rights advocates as mentally ill with a cult-like mentality.
There’s one comment by the page administrator I’d like to discuss. Not because I agree with it, but because I can see some truth in it.
“The goal they are trying to achieve is unattainable, the methods they employ are illegal, their sense of reality is warped. That about covers it. I also am appalled at the hate, the desire to harm children and the obsession with genitals and dead animal images.”
I don’t agree with the warped sense of reality, but I do know there are some sick individuals out there who will threaten the life of anyone who abuses an animal. I’m talking death threats, website hacking, and hateful comments that could land that person into more trouble legally than the person who actually harmed/killed the animal.
I’ve had two articles pulled by Examiner when I listed the name of the person committing abuse. Both articles brought about death threats, as well as threatening the safety of the abusers family. I’m afraid to name names these days when I report on abuse stories.
I don’t consider my sense of reality is warped. I recognize I can only do so much, and there’s no way I can save every animal I read about. There will always be more animals in need, regardless of how many we’re able to help. That’s inevitable.
This isn’t the first time animal rights activists have come under fire. I did an article for PoC at the beginning of 2012 – Are animal rights activists terrorists? In a nutshell, this article tells how the Freedom of Information Act has allowed the FBI to keep track of those considered to be animal advocates for the past decade.
Those investigating claims of animal abuse are violating the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, 18 USC Section 431.
One accusation made by the administrator of the Facebook page is animal rights activists are pedophiles who use pictures of animals to lure children. Take a look at the picture used for this article heading the page. It’s disturbing, to say the least.
The Facebook like page has only 300+ following it right now, but it leads me to wonder how those who don’t fight for animal rights think of those who do. Do people who sit back and do nothing critisise those who try to save cats, dogs, horses, etc?
I consider myself an animal rights advocate, but I’m reasonably sane. Most of the time, anyway. I spend a lot of time networking dogs and cats in need. I help military veterans who had a K-9 dog during their service reunite with that dog. I do a lot of lost dog and cat articles. I don’t believe I’ve threatened anyone. I do admit if I ever see a person physically harming an animal…well let’s just say Michael (PoC) had better hop on the first plane to the states to bail me out.
This should be an interesting discussion. How do you all feel concerning advocates being mentally disturbed? Do you consider yourself an animal rights advocate, or just a cat lover doing all you can to protect the welfare of cats?
- law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/43
Just what I thought you are Woody a snivelling little coward who daren’t face a real man like Micheal.
If you get your thrills from people trying to find out who you are then you are one seriously sick in the head troll.
You can’t prove a thing and I don’t believe you have done any of what you say it just makes you feel like a big man to pretend you have.
Talk about vermin I don’t think you even qualify for that you are less than vermin you poor sad lonely fool.
Ooooh you’ll need to change your nappy now a big lady has took notice of you.
At the end of the month all the 5 cents add up to a nice sum and Michael who runs this purrrrrrrrrfectly fabulous site donates every cent to us, wow, meow, thank you Woody.
So you don’t hate us after all.
Cheers we raise a sprig of catnip to you.
Purr purr purr keep up the good work
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I never reveal any more information about my personal life than I choose. Cat-lickers have been trying to find out who I am for over 3 years now. So far they have suspected and accused me of being any of 5 to 8 different professionals that they hate and despise, and have been wrong on all counts, continuing to be wrong on all counts. They don’t even know what hemisphere of the globe that I live in, one person desperately trying to find me in the UK lately. 🙂 (The joys of knowing how to use proxy-trains.)
…the rest I have deleted because it is a pointless rant by a madman (Michael – admin)
Woody, you are a very sad, deluded idiot who probably sits at home all day taking the odd spliff with beer (or a lot) looking for people who you can try and annoy. You are quite mad and right now I have had enough of your deluded rantings. Have a good week, you little fool.
Woody do you use Skype? If so let’s discuss this on Skype. Or the phone. Give me your phone number, Woody. You won’t though because you are scared.
Destroying cats is neither hating cats nor a fear of cats.
Why do mentally-unbalanced and psychotic cat-advocates always presume that if someone is removing a highly destructive, deadly disease spreading, human-engineered invasive-species from the native habitat to restore it back into natural balance that they must hate that organism? Does someone who destroys Zebra Mussels, Kudzu, African Cichlids, Burmese Pythons, Brown Tree Snakes, or any of the other myriad destructive invasive-species in the USA or elsewhere have some personal problem with that species? (Many of which are escaped PETS that don’t even spread any harmful diseases, unlike cats.) Your ignorance and blatant biases are revealed in your declaring that people who destroy cats must somehow hate or fear cats. Nothing could be further from the truth.
It is people who let a destructive invasive-species roam free that tortures-to-death all other wildlife, wasted for their cats’ play-toys, that have zero respect for ALL life. They don’t even care about their cats dying a slow torturous death from exposure, animal attacks, diseases, starvation, dehydration, becoming road-kill, environmental poisons, etc., the way that ALL stray cats suffer to death. They don’t even respect their fellow human being. This speaks more than volumes about your disgusting character. People like you should be locked up in prison for life for your cruelty to all animals, cruelty to your own cats as well as all the native wildlife that you let your cats skin alive or disembowel alive for their and your entertainment. If you let cats roam free you are violating every animal-abandonment, animal-neglect, animal-endangerment, and invasive-species law in existence.
If people do hate cats today, have LEARNED to hate cats today, you have nobody but yourself and everyone just like you to blame. YOU are the reason people are now realizing that all excess cats must be destroyed on-site and on-sight. You’ve done so much to make people care about cats, haven’t you. If you want to do something about it, direct your sadly and sorely misplaced energies at those that are causing the problem, not at those who are actually solving it AND HAVE SOLVED IT 100%.
You can take that all the way to the very last shot-dead cat’s grave.
So, Woody, I’m curious. Does your hatred go beyond cats? Do you feel the same about other animal species? Dogs, birds, reptiles, humans, horses, elephants?
Do you own an elephant gun?
Do you torture hamsters, gerbels, turtles, or do you just shoot them outright?