Are cat owners responsible for poor quality cat food?

People who are decent cat caretakers realise that ordinary cat food isn’t that good. It is a well packaged poor quality product that is dressed up and flavored. It does not match the classic feline diet: the mouse. Far from it.

By contrast, although wild cats have a stressed out and miserable life in cages or enclosures which are too small, they are often fed far more natural cat food. At least the raw food diet appears to be a norm rather than an exception.

Carnivore diet

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You only have to look in the Feline Conservation Federation magazine to see suppliers of carnivore diet. This is beef and sometimes horsemeat. At least it is real flesh and not some dressed up, flavoured substitute.

I don’t understand why suppliers of wild cat food can’t supply the same or a similar product to the domestic cat client. The diet should be the same or very similar. There are many small captive wild cats on far better diets than most domestic cats. Perhaps there are no buyers for it amongst domestic cat owners.

Raw cat food supplement

Another anomaly is that cat owners can easily make up their own raw cat food. Complete Natural Nutrition (US located) do an Oasis Feline T premix which you add to fresh meat protein (cooked or raw) to make up a balanced cat diet. It is $34 per pound and it can be bought online. I suppose the price is off-putting, which is why the vast majority of people don’t make up a raw feline diet. I don’t think it is complicated to make and neither is handling raw meat that tricky. Most people handle and cook raw meat for themselves or at least know how to handle it.

The truth is that the average cat owner supports cheap dry cat food. Not only is it cheap it is convenient. The big cat food manufacturers sell what people want because they are paying for it. The cat, the end user (the actual customer), is a secondary consideration.

My conclusion is that most cat owners (caretakers) support the inadequacy of modern mass produced cat food by willingly buying it. Currently, I am one of these people although I buy the best quality.

The market for raw meat supplements like Oasis from Complete Natural Nutrition is relatively very small.

The bottom line is that the average cat owner does not value their cat highly enough to spend quite a lot more to raise the standard of their cat’s food to human grade levels.

Do you think I am wrong or am I basically correct?

21 thoughts on “Are cat owners responsible for poor quality cat food?”

  1. i would like to ask some questions about the premix that called osis t feline supplement. is it quality product? i want to do home cook for my cat that i never tried before. where is this product made? can i buy it in australia?.

    • Hi Mina. I have not used Oasis feline T supplement for preparing a raw cat food diet but I’d almost guarantee that it will be good. Just follow the instructions carefully and prepare and store the food you prepare carefully because it is raw. There is a greater danger of bacterial infection and things like toxoplasmosis infections. These should not put you off. It just means working carefully.

  2. You can buy wild rabbit chunks for cats over here. I used to feed lightly cooked rabbit to feral cats (from farms) when I tamed them as it was closer to the diet their mother had provided.


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