Are your cat’s eyes as sexy as these?

This Siamese-type cat probably has the most beautiful eyes I have seen. The big, big question is “are they real?” This is a tough question these days because photo manipulation is so good. There is one thing that indicates to me that it might not be real: look in the corner (the area near the nose) of the cat’s left eye and you’ll see the third eyelid (nictitating membrane) and it is blue. It that normal? It might be. The color is normally whitish/skin colored but does it contain pigment that follows the eye color? I believe that it might but I am not sure.

Cat with sexy eyes

Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

I don’t know who the photographer is – sorry. I wish I did. The cat appears to be a Siamese-mix and a truly beautiful cat extremely well photographed. I have a feeling this was taken in the Mediterranean and the cat is possibly a stray cat or a multi-house cat.

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