Asia the Cat and the Picnic Basket

by Joe Tracy

Asia the Cat

Asia the Cat

Hi everyone. This is our fourth "Asia the Cat" video. Many of you already know her story of being a rescue kitten that was abandoned in a field with serious ear mite infections in both ears, cataracts in both eyes (full in one, partial in the other) and neurological issues that are still being diagnosed.

The funny thing is that the vet diagnosing the neurological issues asked if we had any video of Asia walking or playing. Um.... yeah!

Anyways, they're still unsure what is wrong with her neurologically, but do know something is. They did a blood panel almost two weeks ago and are now thinking of doing an MRI, although that's not a given.

In this video she plays with a picnic basket and uses it for her play attacks against Taco the Chubby Chihuahua. I'm glad that her and Taco the Chubby Chihuahua get along so well as Taco never found a playmate with the other dog (lab/chow mix named "Belle"). So that's Taco Belle. Hmmm... getting hungry...

Here's Asia!

See in large format here: Asia


Asia the Cat and the Picnic Basket to Cat Videos

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Asia the Cat and the Picnic Basket

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Feb 10, 2010
Another lovely video
by: Ruth

Joe I love your videos. It's great to see Asia getting along so well with Taco and Belle too.
I don't think that cat could be any happier even if she hadn't an undiagnosed neurological condition.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 09, 2010
Thank you so much
by: Joyce Sammons

I love watching Asia and how happy she is now. My daughter thinks I've lost my mind filming my rescue Furby. At least I can show her I'm not alone in wanting to share my kitty with the world

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