Asia the Cat – Playing with the Dog’s Tail

Asia the Cat – Playing with the Dog’s Tail

by Joe Tracy

Asia Resting (very rare these days)

Asia Resting (very rare these days)

This is Asia, who has been featured here before. She's the kitten who was abandoned with serious case of ear mites in both ears, Cataracts in both eyes (partial in one, full in the other) and some neurological issues. Yet you'd never know it from her videos.

In this particular video, Asia is playing with her dog sister, "Belle". Like Asia, Belle is also a rescue pet. Belle is a chow/lab mix with a very powerful tail. And Asia the cat is captivated by the tail. She loves to try and catch it and play with it. I hope you enjoy and I thank those of you who have commented on past videos. It's been great hearing about other cat stories.

This is a link to the video on YouTube in large format: Large Format


Asia the Cat - Playing with the Dog's Tail to Cat Videos

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Asia the Cat - Playing with the Dog's Tail

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Feb 06, 2010
how cute
by: kathy

Asia truly is so cute. I love her expressions. Very good video. The dogs seems really tolerant of her and almost seems to enjoy her playing with her tail.

Feb 05, 2010
Asia the cat - Playing with the dogs tail.
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

Excellently produced video, truely professional.Who said cats and dogs are always at loggerheads?
Rudolph avatar

Feb 05, 2010
Thanks for the Comments!
by: Joe Tracy

Thanks for the comments everyone - I appreciate them as does Asia. 🙂

Michael, my YouTube channel is asiathefunnycat

Cheers everyone,


Feb 05, 2010
Asia Strikes Again!
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Joe, what a great video! I love the intro and the music is toe-tapping, keeping in tune with Asian's quest for the dog's tail.

I just adore the patience of your dog too. He just lets Asia play and when he tires of it, moves on.

The cameo from your other little munchkin was cute too!

Keep 'em coming!

Feb 05, 2010
Lovely !
by: Ruth

Joe I loved that video as much as your others with Asia. What a happy cat Asia is and what a lovely patient dog Belle is too.
Thank you for sharing this, it makes a bright spot in the day.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 05, 2010
Lost your channel URL
by: Michael

Joe, I inadvertently lost your YouTube Channel URL. Please provide it in a comment if you would like me to link to it. Thanks.

Feb 05, 2010
Hi Joe
by: Michael

I like this video - nice work. I like the introduction too. May I ask what software you used?

You might know that I have my own YouTube Channel (a partner with YouTube):


Joe, thanks for coming by. I look forward to seeing more of your videos. As you can see you can embed your own video on this site.

I also provided a link to the video.

Michael Avatar

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