Asia the Cat – The Track Ball

by Joe Tracy

Asia Sleeping after a hard days playing...

Asia Sleeping after a hard days playing...

Asia the Cat is back in her fifth video. If you have a cat, you may have one of those balls that goes in a track that they push round and round. Well, Asia gets spoiled as she has about four of those (if any one wants my recommendation on which I think is the best, just let me know).

This video was a bit harder to put together than the others because I literally had about three hours of footage and 150 different clips of her playing. My favorite is when she actually bats the ball off the track with her paw, something she's done only once on a completed track.

I want to give a shout out to the awesome people here (i.e. Ruth, Kurt, Joyce, Kathy, Gail, etc.) who comment on the Asia videos. And a big thanks to for letting us share them.

Latest Asia Video:

To see it in all its glory (in large format) please go to the YouTube page:

Asia the Cat Chasing Ball on Track

Go to Asia's YouTube Channel


Asia the Cat - The Track Ball to Cat Videos

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Asia the Cat - The Track Ball

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Feb 25, 2010
Se enjoys what she's doing
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

I'm sure it must have been hard picking which clips should go into this one, Joe, but what you have chosen for it is great.
I enjoyed seeing her wrestling the dog while not forgetting about the ball, but the clip I particularly like is from 1:37 and on, when she pushes the ball out of the tube with her right paw and then catches it on the other side with her left. She is a really smart cat, no doubt about that.
She is not just catching a prey, because her instincts tell her so, because Asia is so obviously enjoying what she's doing. I think we can now add "having fun" to the list of feelings that cats are capable of. Thanks for sharing her with us. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Feb 24, 2010
Asia the Awesome
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Hey Joe, I laughed so hard at this video that i drew a crowd here at work (who, by now are used to my outbursts, LOL!). They also approve.

What's really funny is the interaction with the dog. Loved the bit where the dog steps right in and grabs his football! A few kitty karate kicks later from Asia and the dog had enough. Very funny.

I've never seen the track ball setup other than the one with the cardboard middle. Sadie lost interest in that ages ago. Where did you get the other setups?

Keep those videos coming!

Feb 24, 2010
A bundle of energy
by: Ruth

Hi Joe, I was looking forward to your next video of Asia and you didn't disappoint me.
What a little bundle of energy she is !
I didn't know they made so many different shaped tracks,which is Asia's favourite do you think ?
Our boyz only have the turbo one with the scratching pad in the centre. Walter enjoyed sending the ball round at first and Jozef liked the middle, but they don't bother with it much now. Maybe some different shapes might be a good idea. Although they already have a houseful of scratching posts and pads and toys they love anything new.
Thank you Joe, your videos always brighten my day.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 24, 2010
by: Michael

Hi Joe, just like to say how impressed I am with your videos and your concern for Asia and her entertainment. You keep her entertained.

Thanks for visiting and sharing. Asia looks adorable sleeping.

I think I might get one of these track balls. You can get them, as far as I know, in the UK. Which is Asia's favourite?

Michael Avatar

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