Asiatic Golden Cat Range

View Asian Golden Cat Distribution 2009 in a larger map

The Asiatic golden cat range presented here in the red areas on the above map is carefully based on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ (Red List) version. It is as at 2009. The scientific name
for this cat is, Pardofelis temminckii. If you click on the blue flags  you can see pictures of the landscape of the area and a video (southern China) and a fine camera trap photo from Cambodia. This should be fairly up to date. Wild cat distribution is ever changing (downwards usually) and there is often insufficient information to create a truly precise map of the range. This map can be adjusted and updated by anyone who is able and willing to collaborate, as it is based on Google My Maps, which is a mapping system that is both designed to be shared by anyone, as this map can be, and to be created by anyone too. The idea is to spread knowledge throughout the world. That also helps Google! If you want to use this map – fine, go to the linked page below and you can link to it. If you know better and can contribute it would be fantastic. Please contact me to become a collaborator: mjbmeister[at]

When the Google source map is upgraded this map automatically follows. So what about this cat’s range or distribution? The book, Wild Cats of the World says that this cat is found:

  • from Tibet to
  • Nepal
  • Sikkim
  • Southern China
  • Myanmar
  • Thailand
  • Peninsular Malaysia
  • Sumatra

If you switch the above map to “satellite” you might be able to see that most often the boundaries of the Asian golden cat range are the edges of forested areas. And this cat’s habitat is usually forested and it includes dry deciduous forest, evergreen forest and tropical rainforest. It can be found as high as 3,000 metres above sea level but prefers lowland forest. However, the cat has been recorded as living as high as 3,738 metres above sea level in Bhutan. The Asiatic golden cat is more commonly known as the Asian golden cat or the golden cat. However, the prefix “Asian” is not used or mentioned by the Red List. It also lives less usually, in more open landscapes such as grasslands. One of the major threats to its survival is from habitat loss through logging. Logging is a major problem for the forest dwelling cats of Asia. See, for example, the Sumatran tiger. See more lots on the Asian Golden Cat.

Asiatic golden cat range – Sources:

  • Wild Cats of the World
  • Red List

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