The concept is that people on the move, using their smartphones, may find it easier to listen to an audio file than read an article on the internet. An audio file is a natural extension of listening to music, podcast or perhaps an audio book.
Below is an embedded audio file player. If you click on the triangular play button at the left end of the bar you will hear an article on the tiger using deliberately plain and easy to understand language. It lasts for 4 minutes 30 seconds.
The tiger is a huge subject so what I’ve said is a compressed down version, focusing on the basics. On this website, there are many articles on the wild cat species including the tiger where a visitor can read-up and add detail to the broad outline you can hear in this audio file. I hope this is useful to people.
It is far from perfect but adequate, I hope. It is a way of receiving information in an undemanding way. It is the first audio article that I have made, Naturally, there was a steep learning curve on using recording software and in overcoming technical issues.
In future audio articles, I will be adding sounds other than my voice to make the file more colorful. They will always be short and to the point and a max. of 4 minutes. The usual length will be around 60 seconds.