This is a follow up page to one I wrote on 3rd December 2017 about Steven Mishow shooting domestic cats belonging to neighbors. One of them was Olivia belonging to Pam Dowell who decided to leave the area as a result. The two others were a semi-feral named Emerald and Pumpkin a neighbour’s cat. Olivia liked to play with Pumpkin (Punky). Punky was also a beloved cat and the neighbor’s daughter was distraught over the cat’s death; ‘folded over in tears crying about her cat Punky and asking WHY, Why did this happen?’
In a very rare audio recording you can hear Mishow admitting (1) his hatred of cats and (2) his pride in shooting them. Mishow is speaking to a neighbour who recorded the conversation without Mishow’s knowledge.
Below is another version (MP4) in case the above does not play. It is quieter:
The beginning is difficult to understand and is the voice of Mishow then the neighbour comes in. Mishow’s voice is slightly higher pitched.
“Yeh, I got it right behind the front shoulders. When they run see ya later muther fucker. I will kill every fuckin’ cat I see……That cat I seen about a week ago. Must have been a week. It’s been missing about a week. Shot the fucker. Them fuckers stink so fucking bad. They used to piss in my fucking garage.”
Steve Hanson commenting on the original page wrote:
“Steven shot them in the ass, one cat was paralyzed instantly and he ordered his dog after them which the dog attacked and shook the death right out of them.”
Steven Mishow’s sister Rachel has defended her brother’s behaviour. She says that he didn’t intend to shot the cats dead. He used a pellet gun at a distance (240 yards) and at night she says. But Mishow says he shot the cats deliberately with the obvious intention of killing them.
To compound the admitted crime (he pleaded guilty in court) Mishow ordered his dogs after the cats to finish them off we are told. Pam says she was never able to recover the bodies of the cats. It is believed that they where ‘bagged and carried off to a dump’ the day after initial contact by Pam Dowell with law enforcement.
Pellet gun?
I don’t believe that he used a pellet gun. It was possibly a .22 calibre rifle but that is a guess. Cats often survive pellet gun shootings even when hit multiple times and they get home. In this instance one bullet killed or disabled the cats.
Pam says that she lives in a residential area a block from a school and that Mishow lives ‘across the street from my house and the Jordan’s’. We are told that Mishow knew that Pam’s cats were their pets. They were not ‘nuisance animals’.
The audio recording was played to the police and their investigation was not started until a week later. Hardly a sign of commitment to justice and law enforcement.
Cats stink
The cat hater’s argument that cats stink is a fallacy. They always say it when defending their cat shooting behaviour. Domestic cats are cleaner than most humans. Apparently Mishow’s property (that he says he was defending) was the subject of a ‘blight complaint’. Tons of garbage was in the area. It has since been removed.
Mishow was convicted but punished lightly. This is the usual outcome.
Last comment – update
Jill has made a comment which brings us up to date – “Update to a long year of drama/theatrics for my sister Pam”. Please click this link to read it.
Thanks for your unbiased reporting …lol
Blah blah blah
I know you dont care but truth is not something you have condoned writing all this garb..
Truth and facts not like you
Your hero of your blog ..worried about non dead cats but no problem with pulling a gun on hubby #2
Mchael if that is your real name ..deleted because the comment breaches comment rules (Amin)