Australia: woman feeds and sterilises feral cats while others throw them onto railway tracks

Eva Philippson feeds and cares for feral cats in Australia
Eva Philippson feeds and cares for feral cats in Australia. Photo: Martin Kennealey

It’s extraordinary that this woman, Eva Philippson, who is 68 years of age, does her best to care for feral cats and kittens living near a railway line at Joondalup station while others not far away throw kittens onto the railway tracks in gross acts of cruelty.

Mrs Philippson is bemused why some people need to hurt animals. She can’t understand why they do it. She said:

“On Monday evening, transport police came and told us that kittens were being thrown on the railway tracks. I don’t know why people are cruel to animals: I can’t understand it.”

Mrs Philippson works with three other ladies who have been feeding and sterilising feral cats in the rail reserve north of Joondalup station in Australia. She says that they feed and water the animals every evening and they pay, out of their own pockets, for the majority of the food. They, of course, give their time freely and without remuneration. She said that she recently counted 12 kittens from seven pregnant mums with two more mums pregnant.

She needs help in rehoming and sterilising the cats. She needs donations which would be greatly appreciated. She mentions that a local firefighter helped out and in her words “risked everything” to go onto a ledge above the tracks to rescue a very small black and white kitten who he gave to her to care for.

Miss Philippson and her colleagues receive some support from the 9 Lives Cat Rescue group. However, the group is struggling itself. People can make donations by clicking on the following link which takes you to the 9 Lives Cat Rescue website. Local people can help if they want to by joining them behind the Officeworks building between 6 pm and 7:30 pm daily.

Here we have a little snapshot of two very polarised viewpoints about how to treat feral cat in Australia. I would suggest that Ms Philippson is working against the grain because the general mood in government is to get rid of feral cats in any way possible even if it is cruel. But clearly there are some people who want to do things humanely and decently.

Eva Philippson with Gypsy
Eva Philippson with Gypsy. Photo: Martin Kennealey.

Mrs Philippson has a couple of kittens at home that she is caring for until they can be sterilised and she is photographed in the picture above with her cat Gypsy.


3 thoughts on “Australia: woman feeds and sterilises feral cats while others throw them onto railway tracks”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Right. Per John Woinarski (2015) 75 million Australian marsupials, monotremes, native rodents, birds, squamate reptiles and frogs disappear down feral cat gullets each and every NIGHT. Does this seem “humane” to you? Or do you only apply this concept to your disease-ridden “community” vermin at the expense of all living things, including human children? Answer please–you’re always ready to spew your inane, cat-centric twaddle-speak, but less than diligent at defending it.

  3. The negatively macho Australian government need to look to Mrs Phillipson for education on humaneness.

    She and her colleagues rock.

  4. A human being who can toss a helpless animal onto a railroad track to be killed needs to be surgically sterilized so they cannot reproduce. Of course this is yet another story of the barbarians in Australia. I know that not everyone there feels this way as witnessed by this woman. This is what state sanctioned animal cruelty looks like. Which is what their war of feral cats ( all cats ) has caused. Again the human element is ignored and innocent animals are allowed to be tortured.

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