Australians blow hot and cold over stray cats

Aussie are confused over how to deal with stray and feral cats
Aussie are confused over how to deal with stray and feral cats

The world of cat lovers is bombarded with Australia’s brutal attitude towards stray and feral cats which dictates that they should be killed by any means possible as long as it is in large numbers and all the time. There is no shame or attempt to kill humanely. And yet today Australian firefighters used their best efforts and considerable skill and persistence to extricate what seems to be a stray cat stuck in a skip bin outside Melbourne. The poor thing’s head was stuck in an outlet. It seems that the little fella tried to get out and misjudged the exit size. Proof that cats are not infallible when using whiskers. The error may have been due to panic.

Aussie firefighters rescue trapped cat
Photo sequence by PoC based on photos by MFB Firefighters on Facebook

Great work firefighters. But here we have a single cat in trouble and a considerable amount of time and money was spent in saving his life while elsewhere in Australia a considerable amount of time, money and effort is spent on trying to do the opposite, which is impossible: kill all stray and feral cats to prevent them preying on native species.

Robotic device which poisons feral cats
Robotic device which poisons feral cats. John Read inspects it.

On the one hand there is kindness and decency and on the other cruelty and indecency. I don’t understand it. Let’s see consistency by an improved approach in dealing with stray and feral cats by operating a massive TNR program across the continent. Yes, it’ll have to be massive and it will cost the earth but we could at last stop hearing about the next clever slaughtering machine that some egg-headed Aussie has devised to kill cats with. And it would be a PR coup for the country.

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