Austria-Federal Act on the Protection of Animals

Animals are defined as:

2. Domestic animals: domesticated animals of the genuses cattle, pig, sheep, goat and horse, always with the exception of exotic species, as well as Old World and New World camels, water buffaloes, domestic rabbits, domestic dogs, domestic cats, domestic poultry and domesticated fish;

3. Pets: animals kept within a household as companions or because of interest in the animal, as far as domestic or domesticated animals of the orders of carnivores, rodents, lagomorphs, parrots, finches (fringillidae) and pigeon-like birds (columbiformes), as well as the class of fish are concerned;

4. Wild animals: all animals except domestic and pet animals;

5. Hoofed game: red deer, fallow deer, sika nippon deer, Pere David’s

In addition, at para 7 it includes those all important provisions prohibiting what some veterinarians do in other countries and I am referring in particular the USA….

Prohibited interventions performed on animals

§ 7. (1) Interventions carried out for other than therapeutic or diagnostic purposes or for the expert marking of animals in accordance with legal regulations applicable, are prohibited, in particular

1. operations aiming at changing the phenotypic appearance of an animal, 2. the docking of tails,
3. the cropping of ears,
4. devocalisation;
5. declawing and defanging,
6. the trimming of beaks, (2) Exceptions to these prohibitions shall be permitted only

1. to prevent reproduction or

2. if the intervention is indispensable for the intended use of the animal, for its protection or for the protection of other animals; such interventions shall be defined in the regulation according to § 24 para 1 subpara 1.

(3) Unless not provided otherwise by regulation in accordance with § 24 para 1 subpara 1, interventions in which an animal will or is likely to experience severe pain shall be carried out only by a veterinarian and only after effective anaesthesia and with postoperative treatment of pain. Interventions for which no anaesthesia is required may also be carried out by any other expert person. Type and proof of expert skill shall be governed by the regulation in accordance with § 24 para 1 subpara 1.

(4) The use of rubber rings, cauterisation sticks and cauterisation lotions is prohibited.

There is a nice paragraph that places an obligation on a person to administer first aid to animal or to arrange first aid if a person has “recognisably hurt or jeopardized an animal…”

Obligation to grant first aid

§ 9. Who has recognisably hurt or jeopardized an animal shall, to the extent he can reasonably be expected to do so, grant the necessary first aid to the animal, or, if this is not possible, arrange for such first aid.

Para 13 deals with the principles behind the keeping of animals and reflects the general rules within Europe on this subject:

Principles governing the keeping of animals

§ 13. (1) No animal shall be kept unless it can reasonably be expected, on the basis of its genotype or phenotype, that it can be kept according to the state of the art of scientific knowledge without detrimental effect on its well-being.

(2) Who keeps any animals shall ensure that the space, freedom of movement, condition of the ground, structural equipment of buildings and facilities in which they are kept, the climate, in particular light and temperature, care and food, as well as the possibility for social contacts in consideration of the species, age and degree of development, adaptation and domestication of animals corresponds to their physiologic and ethologic needs.

(3) Animals are to be kept in a way that their physical functions and their behaviour are not disturbed and their ability to adapt is not overstrained.

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