Natural herbal home treatment for cat urinary tract problems

Tinkle Tonic for pets

A lady’s cat had diarrhoea and bladder problems that hadn’t responded well to conventional veterinary medicine. She tried Tinkle Tonic (a cute name when you think about it): Tinkle Tonic is a great product. It has herbs to sooth the cat’s bladder, etc. I would take a male to the vet immediately because a …

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Lion cub fed a mixture of yogurt and bread to keep him small

This is the story of Magnus, a lion cub. He was an abused lion cub. There are many. Lions are bred for commercial purposes such a photo-shoots and canned hunting. Magnus was born in captivity. Soon after he was born he was separated from his mother. He was abused as a tourist attraction at …

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Ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) is the most common human medication ingested by pets

Human pills hurting cats

Ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) is the most common human medication ingested by pets in the USA. There are probably two main reasons: It is one of the most common human pain killers. There are a lot of pills lying around and… Some brands of Ibuprofen have a sweet outer coating. This must make the pill …

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Cat seizures caused by sharp sounds linked to old age

Cat seizures due to sharp sounds

Cat seizures caused by clicking sounds or other sharp sounds appears to be linked to old age which may indicate a change in brain function brought about by old age as the cause. Further, although unlikely, there may also be an underlying condition such as toxoplasmosis which is present in about 45% of all …

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World’s only animal shelter located in the grounds of a prison

Animal shelter inside a prison

It is called a “correct(ional) approach to animal sheltering”. I like that. This is an animal shelter within the medium security Dixon Correctional Institute, run by a prison warden and staffed by some of the prisoners. It has been running since 2010. I like the term: “correctional institute” but I wonder how much correcting …

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