Michael Broad
Canned Lion Hunting In South Africa
by Michael He is worth £20,000 shot dead – Photo by Martin_Heigan 28-12-09: Canned Lion Hunting In South Africa is an abomination to all decent minded people yet it is popular enough and it is accepted by the authorities no doubt for financial reasons (isn’t it always?). Yet there is talk about it being …
Canada Lynx Prey
This table sets out the Canada lynx prey profile in Alberta when hares where abundant and when they were not abundant. The sample sizes were 101 and 123 respectively as assessed from scats (feces). The source material is Wild Cats Of The World page 161 table 29 – ISBN-13: 978-0-226-77999-7. Please Note: Due to …
Can You Identify A Cat?
by Michael (London, UK) This is an email I received from David, a visitor to this website: I was wondering if you could help me identify a cat that my ex-roommate had. He is a white cat with brown markings on his face and a striped tail. He also has blue eyes and a …
Can someone who truly loves cats and kittens help me, please?
Can someone who truly loves cats and kittens help me, please? (Cleve., Ohio, Cuyahogha county/USA) I have been taking care of three Queens. I gave them their own space, and time with me separately. Even though I’m on a fixed income, I managed to keep them all well fed ( warm chicken meat and …
Can My Cat Catch Swine Flu?
by Michael (London, UK) Photo by johnbullas (creative commons – see below) Can My Cat Catch Swine Flu? The answer is almost certainly, no. The feeling I get from listening and reading is that the experts are not completely sure. This is partly because swine flu is a bit of an unknown quantity in …
Can Maine Coons Not Be Fluffy?
Can Maine Coons Not Be Fluffy? by Cora D (Pittsfield NH) Loki (black and white), Hazelnut (on the left) and Cinnamon (on the right) Can a cat still be a Maine coon and not be Fluffy? I’ve heard Maine Coons have black on the roof of their mouth and he certainly does. He’s gorgeous …
CAN I HAS TIME LAPSE? by kluanelaker (canada) Time Lapse photography video of our kitty falling asleep on the couch for a bit, then waking up and giving her catnip covered mouse toy a thrashing (with real purrz!) kluanelaker CAN I HAS TIME LAPSE? to Cat Videos Comments for CAN I HAS TIME LAPSE? …