Michael Broad
Cat Illness Symptoms
Above: this is a vet’s cat – he’s lovely – intense gaze – photo by kafkan “Cat Illness Symptoms” – What are people looking for when they do a Google search for this? A simple list of symptoms? That can’t be the case as there is little value in a list of symptoms unless …
Cat House Designs
by Michael (London, UK) Sadly the word “cat-house” is slang for a house of prostitution, a brothel. This adds a complication to the work of writing about cat house designs. For instance people search for the “Nevada Cat House”! I thought this might refer to a really nice, architecturally designed detached house in the …
Cat History
Cat History – The height of modern, sophisticated cat breeding below – Miss Kate (photo copyright Helmi Flick) a Maine Coon cat champion next to the skull of a Saber Tooth tiger, extinct 10,000 years ago. Please note that this long page has been split up into several sections and at the base of …
Cat Heat Behavior
Introduction: [go straight to behavior during heat] This page applies to domestic cats. Wild cats behave similarly but there are species to species variations. Although the queen goes through four phases in her estrous (estrus) cycle, it is during, ‘heat’ that she is in the estrus period. The other phases are called ‘anestrus’, ‘proestrus’ …