Awaiting Allegiances RP

Awaiting Allegiances RP

by ryuu squall

‘ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan and ShadowClan. The four original cat clans. Let’s pretend they never left, lets pretend that the towering trees of ThunderClan territory, the whistling moors of WindClan, the rushing waters of RiverClan and the shadow engulfed land of ShadowClan lay untouched by human hands.

A wilderness only known to the cats who live there, each connected and impacting each other under the sparkling stars of StarClan’s home in the sky.

Through generations and generations they have thrived upon this land, living off the fruitful prey and beautiful expanse of forest. But much like gravity, even peace must come crashing down to earth and shatter.

Obscurity, a name that darkens the hearts of many, a group of cats simply fallen into the wrong hands. Like a blood-sucking bacteria, they grow and under the leadership of insanity, only fate has the power to stop it now. But how much of this sacred land will become stained in their blood before it can come to an end? Or better yet…will it ever end?’

This is a truly brilliant site that has been going for over two years. We have core members who are always loyal and active, but welcome any new comers with open arms.

Due to regular activity checks we make sure we don’t trick people into thinking we have hundreds of members, plus this leads to high positions becoming available quite often.

We have a really fun plot going on at the moment, and the more people who join in, the more the better!

(If any one has heard of Allegiances 2, this its remake. We stayed active when A2 was re-opened, but survived where it sadly did not. Any one who was a part of A2 should be able to recognise a few familiar screen names!)

Awaiting Allegencies

~ RyuuSquall (Dragonheart)

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Awaiting Allegiances RP

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Mar 02, 2011
thank you
by: Ryuu Squall

Thank you 🙂

I can’t take full credit for the advert though, half was written by one of our lovely staff members, I believe, and the second half by me.

I just hope someone sees this and joins as I assure you we are still alive and active!

Jan 10, 2011
by: Michael

Anyone who writes this amount of text to promote their WC RP site will get published. Very short posts are not publishable.

Nice post. Well written. Thanks for sharing.

Michael Avatar

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