Babbit and Catstello Cat Cartoons

Babbit and Catstello

Babbit and Catstello

Babbit and Catstello cat cartoons are parodies of the much loved and well-known Abbot and Costello double act that I still love to watch. They were well made short animated films produced by Warner Brothers. Babbit is a tall, lean black-and-white cat (white feet or paws) and Catstello is a squat black cat with a white belly (probably a Tuxedo cat). Babbit is a con cat while Catstello is sadly a bit stupid. The first film, called A Tale of Two Kittens was screened in 1942 and here it is:

In their second outing called A Tale of Two Mice the characters are mice and not cats. In the film they try to carry a piece of cheese past a vigilant cat (glad a cat is in there somewhere).

In their final film, their third, they are still mice and trying again to get cheese passed a cat. It was called The Mouse Merized Cat and made in 1946.

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