Bad reviews for the Cats movie are too harsh and underpinned by a dislike of cats?

If you use Bing to search for ‘cats’ the results will be swamped by crazily critical and negative reviews of Cats the movie. Every journo is jumping on the bandwagon and slagging off the movie. It started with the trailers. I’d bet that a most of them have not seen it.

Cats the movie

The journos are behaving like a pack of African wild dogs surrounding a wounded wildebeest on the African plains. Yapping and squealing as they prepare to dive in to eat the beast alive.

I have not seen the film either (but have watched the trailer) and I am sure that it is not as bad as some of them say it is. They’ve taken the opportunity to create fancy cat related headlines all in fun and jest but it’s unfair.

A lot of work went into this film. It is packed full of star actors and actresses. First, the film critics have lambasted the film which has had an effect on takings. Then they lambast it again by criticising the low takings compared to the latest Star Wars movie which in truth is a bore. It was made for die hard fans. Their actions are self-serving.

I can sniff an underling dislike of cats in general by some of these film critics. True film critics should love cats and have a couple at home. Many great authors past and present loved and love the domestic cat. I’d like to see these newspapers writing more balanced reviews on Cats the movie.

Lloyd Webber who created the theatre production of Cats was heavily involved in the film. The theatre production was a massive hit. Has Lloyd Webber got it so wrong? I don’t think so. It seems like a journo feeding frenzy to me. Each jumping on the back of another, having fun writing snazzy headlines at the expense of the creators of the movie.


4 thoughts on “Bad reviews for the Cats movie are too harsh and underpinned by a dislike of cats?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. The only real up close cat thing was when someone said crossed paws :-). I wish they could pull the version and reissue it with more cat-related mannerisms. Unfortunately it was totally a case of missed opportunities: Jennifer Hudson for some reason was held back in her singing of “Memories” which could have made the film, in part, I think. Gus the theater cat was therefore the cameo portrayal.

  3. So we did see it. I saw no trailers. Read no reviews until after seeing it. The film suffered from the musical-to-film disappointment. I will say this…when I saw the play I was a recent cat owner and was very taken by all the cat mannerisms the actors portrayed. I’m willing to say that maybe I missed them in the film but I was sad to not pick up on them right away. The one review I read later was from the NYTimes and it was pretty spot on. Whatever anyone who doesn’t love cats said, I hate to say I wouldn’t give this version of Cats many stars.

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