Bag-Straps™ is a freshly invented device which I think will prove very useful, especially to people who live with several companion animals. I’m thinking about multi-cat households and households in which there are cats and dogs. There are many households like this.
This device will also, I believe, prove very handy for people working in animal rescue, trap-neuter-return programs and of course for people who breed cats and dogs. Another situation where it would prove useful would be the boarding cattery.
All these places and situations demand that quite a lot of cat litter and cat food needs to be carried around and stored effectively.
Of course, Bag-Straps™ has many more uses than mentioned above. Any organization or situation where people have to move around large bags containing not only food but items such as charcoal or fertilizer would find the device useful. It is referred to as a “no-clip solution” because the opened bag is, in effect, closed by the device.
Jason Shepherd, from Charlotte, NC, USA, is the inventor. Jason is looking for funding to progresses his project and to get it to the marketplace. He’s using a Kickstarter campaign that is currently running to raise some funding.
I think that Bag-Straps™ is a good idea. I always admire people who like to think out-of-the-box, look at new ways to make day-to-day work activities easier to manage. We all like products that make our life a little bit easier and more productive. I must say that I’m particularly impressed by this device’s handle. It is a very clever invention. The best inventions are simple but which look at problems in a new way.
However, I do not see this product suiting a person like me who lives with one cat in an apartment. Although I do buy cat litter in large bags I do not have a pressing need to carry the bags for any distance or to ensure that, once opened, the product is stored effectively. However, I don’t think that is a negative to this project because there are many, many people who would find this invention useful.
love this idea this be great just saw the utube video. esp with having 5 animals
It would be such a help to me when lugging stuff into the woods. I know, exactly, how I would try to use it first.
I’ve tried so many times to prepare feeders ahead, stack them, and carry them in. It’s most always a mess.
I think that I could fill the feeders, stack them in stiff empty dry cat food bag, and carry them with ease. The important thing is that the bag would stay level and the tension would keep the feeders from tipping all over each other.
I love kickstarter, I have a relative who had a successful campaign and I have participated in a few. These straps will be yours Dee! When they are available. I’ll let you know when. You are very dear to me and I’ll tell POC why very soon.
I wish you and Dee lived near to Babz and me, we love you even though we haven’t met.
Me too Ruth. Some day, maybe “beam me up Scotty” will be a reality. Heck, GPS alone is an amazement, like the internet.
We love you Dee because you do such good things for cat welfare. If this new invention helps you I would be very happy because I can imagine that there is quite a lot of physical work involved in doing what you’re doing. Anything which eases that a little bit should be welcome. I do not know the timetable for its release into the marketplace. I suppose it is possible that it may never make the marketplace but I would expect that it would.
I was just looking at the project, and yes they are very much short of their goal. I bought in though and hope this publicity helps them reach their goal. I’m in for two for Dee. Anyone else?
Dorothy, thanks.
It’s a done deal already, so I can’t beg you not to do it. But, no one else needs to.
I want this bag-strap to come about too. I really think it will, because it’s an awesome invention.
In case it doesn’t, I’m pretty certain that I can create something similar to use. I had just never thought about something like this before.
It may be a moot point anyway Dee. They are tens of thousands away from their goal, with only 16 days to raise the funds. It doesn’t look good. But you never know, someone might buy the idea and mass produce them. It is a wait and see. I’ll bet you can rig something similar. Suitcase straps come to mind.
No worries. No money passes until the project is funded.
I’ll bet Dee could use a couple dozen of these.
Hi DW. I hope you are well. I had Dee in mind when I wrote this. I’m not completely sure that this product is as useful as it looks but it does look pretty useful for the right person in the right circumstances. For all those people who are lugging around heavy bags – and a lot of pet products come in heavy bags – this may make their lives a little bit easier.
Yes that does look very handy, a clever invention.
Ruth, if you think it’s a decent product then I am happy because you think in a very straight way and a very honest way and your assessment can be trusted. I do believe that it has some merit which is why I wrote about it. I actually received a e-mail notification from a public relations person but decided to write about it before reviewing it because it looked sensible to me and because the inventor needs some funding. This form of funding is called crowdfunding.
lol well it’s no good pretending is it, best speak the truth and shame the devil 🙂
Great – I think it’s very useful.