Bailey and Captain Morgan – Deaf and Mute

Bailey and Captain Morgan – Deaf and Mute

by Loraine
(Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Fourteen years ago a woman called and asked if I wanted 2 kittens. No!, I replied. Until I heard their story. Both walked in the rain separately. Not related. Tiny kittens. One white with blue eyes and one black and white Maine Coon. One was deaf and one was mute. They came on the same day and were put in the same cage.

Soon it became clear to the vet that they would communicate with each other and groom and hold each other. 2 little boys. Many years later they sat in cages next to Tiger (recently passed at 19 years) and Jake the big lab younger brother. They were by my side when we got out of Mississippi after the hurricane. Good kitty kittys. Bailey is the mute, Cappy is deaf. I love them both very much. I'll try to get a pic of Bailey.

Admin: Love this story. Cats are great at making up for deficiencies. White cats can be deaf (see Deaf Cats). We'd love to see Bailey. Just upload the picture and I'll put it in this posting so Cappy and Bailey are together on the same page.

Pritt, the True Story of a Deaf Cat and Her Family

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