by Sherrie
(Akron, Ohio USA)
Abandoned cat - lost cat - photo by Dim Sum! (Flickr)
I love cats, but they do destroy furniture etc, and can cause serious harm to your pet dogs, and your lap and clothing. I wish there was a better way to declaw, but I guarantee you, if it were banned in the USA, there will be MORE stray cats, because no one will want to tolerate the claws.
My mom's house is a total mess with her 4 clawed cats, shredded curtains, torn chairs! My cats have been able to climb fences, roofs and trees, and catch balls and open doors even, with their fronts declawed.
My only regret is the few days of pain they are in. Wish there was more painless way or better pain medicine we can give them. I hear the new lazer, is more humane, but who can afford it?
Banning declawing, would mean more cats at the pound! Which is worse? A Week of Pain and a Happy forever home or Put to Death or worse to roam the streets to starve to death?
Banning Declawing Would Mean More Cats at the Pound to Declawing Cats
I agree.
Soft Paws (nail caps) should be the last resort. Just sayin’.