by Missy
(Sautee Georgia)
In Nov. of 2010, I was attending a weekend-long horse event on a remote plantation in coastal SC. I and my lab, Shug-dog had trailered my horse Miad to the event, and booked a room in the hunting lodge, Miad to stay in the outside corral.
As I was unloading Miad from the trailer, I heard a tiny mewing coming from somewhere in the woods. I began to search, knowing it was a little kitten. I could not find it. The next day as the horse events progressed, every time I was in the area of the horse corrals I could hear plaintive mewing coming from the woods.
I searched into the night, to no avail, and was told by the plantation owner there were no cats or kittens anywhere on the grounds, as there were too many hunting dogs running around. The last day of the event, as I was packing to leave, I again heard the cries, louder now, coming from an old shack in the brush behind the corrals.
I was determined to find the kitten, and sure enough, as I got near the old bldg. I looked down at this little tiny ball of fluff, one eye stuck closed, and wailing his misery. I grabbed him, wrapped him in my horse's fleece blanket, and fed him some crushed dog food and milk. We took off for home, me, Shug-dog, Miad, and the little kitten.
Found out from the vet he was 3 weeks old, and weighed 9 oz. Needless to say, today he runs our household of 6 other cats and Shug-dog. He is the sweetest cat to ever put paws on the earth, my baby, and we think he looks like a Maine Coon.
He is very independent around the farm during the day, and snuggles with us at night. Thanks for letting me share!!