Beautiful Maltese Calico Kitten Needs a Loving Home

Beautiful Maltese Calico Kitten Needs a Loving Home

Maltese Calico Rescued Cat
click on image to see large version – photo: Michael @ PoC

Oct 13th 2010: This gorgeous, little, shy and vulnerable kitten was rescued by Martha Kane. Yes, she is being cared for by Martha in Malta. She is a beautiful Maltese cat.

Martha doesn’t know I am doing this but I did say that I might. I know there are logistical problems for someone outside of Malta who just might be thinking I could help and adopt her. But we can, perhaps, overcome these when we have to face them.

The priority is to see if a visitor can find it in their heart to adopt this beautiful female kitten.

So, I wish to appeal to people, ideally from Malta or anywhere to leave a comment if interested.

It is a big call. It difficult to re-home cats in Malta and I think Martha would be one of the first to agree that. That is, in part, why she cares for so many cats. That and the fact that Martha is very particular where her rescue cats are re-homed…;)! She cares that much.

I have forgotten this kitten’s name – sorry. I’ll find out and leave a comment.

She was downstairs in Martha’s home in her cosy bed. She is well cared for, of course, but she really needs a forever home with a tender, kind and knowledgeable cat carer just like one of the wonderful regular visitors to this site.

Update: 7th Nov. 2010:

In the words of Martha Kane:

GOOD NEWS!!! Pupa left yesterday to go to her new home with a friend of mine…..

Pupa needed a special home because she is very shy and has to have someone who will be patient with her until she gets used to them all….my friend is an exceptional person and..I know that Pupa is now in her forever home

So Pupa has found a caring and an excellent caretaker. Great news. Here are three photos taken by Martha using her mobile phone as she is about to leave Martha’s care. Pupa is saying goodbye to Martha from the carrier and to Basil by the window. Good luck Pupa…


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From Beautiful Maltese Calico Kitten Needs a Loving Home to Feral Cats

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Beautiful Maltese Calico Kitten Needs a Loving Home

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Oct 15, 2010 shes beautiful
by: kathy

What a beautiful cat. I would not hesitate to adopt this beauty but our home is filled up right now. We havve a newcommer who wandered into our yard about a month ago. She won our hearts and is staying with us. So that brings us up to 5 furry cats in our 2 room cottage. ON originally bringing Mariel inside we thought she was a polydactyl cat. Upon further examination she has turned out to be a 8 pawed cat. Yes thats right. She has 4 paws on the front. 2 seperate paws on each leg. She also stands on both of them. The second paw has 3 toes. She still hasnt accepted being friends with all of the other cats. She plays a little bit with Quanah our Bengal kitten. But then he did get swatted by one of those huge paws and knows to stay out of their way. She hates my Lia. Too bad he is the king of the house. I believe she is intimidated by his size. She is just a tiny thing who was half starved. Shes much better and looks great now. Sleeping on the couch.

Oct 13, 2010 PUPA
by: Martha Kane

Thank you Michael for making this appeal on behalf of ”PUPA ”. Yes, that is the name of this beautiful creature and in English it means ”Doll” Very fitting ,is it not ?. I really hope that someone , preferably from Malta will come forward to adopt her. I am not against sending animals away from our shores if they go to a good home, in fact i have sent cats to Holland and Switzerland and not only do i get regular updates

on there welfare but we have all become firm friends . Still the trip is always uncomfortable for the cats and nerve racking for me and there is the question of quarantine to consider IF It’s the UK .All these things could be overcome however if a really good home was waiting foR Pupa at the other end . I will wait in anticipation to see if her beautiful photo creates any interest . Thank you again Michael .

Oct 13, 2010 Thanks Maggie
by: Michael

Yes, Maggie, that sounds correct. I hope someone in Malta picks this up. I don’t discount shipping although it is a big ask.

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Oct 13, 2010 Exporting cats
by: Maggie

Indeed this is a beautiful kitten. I know very little about exporting and importing kittens. But, I think that to export the kitten needs to have her rabies shots in addition to her usual shots. I know this takes a bit of time too.

Forgive my ignorance. If anyone has corrections, please express them

I hope the kitten finds a home, Michael.

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