Befriending a Stray Cat

by Judith
(Milwaukee, WI)

Since I moved here in September of 2009, I have been feeding some stray cats (2 or 3) that have been hanging around our apartment complex and the surrounding neighborhood.

They do not allow me to get any closer than maybe 5 or 6 feet away, although one sometimes “talks” to me from the bushes in a very low-pitched “mowr”. About 4 months ago I was out in the parking lot in my wheelchair, talking with a service technician when one of these cats came over and jumped into my lap!

I gently and cautiously embraced him and then he jumped down and ran back into the bushes. A few minutes later he was back in my lap, purring! A few days later he got up the courage to come inside (we were having a blizzard.), although I had made a cozy little place for them outside. The next evening he again came inside.

I introduced him to my other two cats, the poop pan, water and food. When it was time for me to go to bed, I found him in the middle of my bed! After checking with the local humane societies and veterinarians, I learned that nobody has reported him missing. He has no fleas, but he does have a huge appetite! Then we looked closer.. “he” was a female… and was looking very pregnant. But after 4 months nothing has happened and she has lost some of the weight she added just after coming here. She is called “Samantha”.

For the first couple of months she would jump up onto me whenever the opportunity arose, grab onto my shoulder and snuggle in my arms as if she was afraid someone was going to grab her away. Wish there was a way to find out just what brought her here, where she’s been.

She does not eat dry cat food. Correction, on the rare occasion when she eats dry cat food, she swallows it whole without chewing.

She is a very large (18″ long from head to rump, 16#) American Shorthair cat, dark gray & white. Her size, muscliness (is that a word?) and low voice are what first led me to believe that she was a male cat.

But she is terrified of thunderstorms. The first one we had she ran inside and jumped onto my bed! And most nights she sleeps with me, much to my other cats’ chagrin.

I can’t say that she gets along with my two older cats (16 and 21 years), but they each have “their” sleeping spots and eating spots and tolerate each other.

I just hope I don’t get caught having a 3rd cat here, as they do not allow more than 2 cats per household.


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Befriending a Stray Cat

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Jun 10, 2011 My Angel of a Stray.
by: Terri

I became friends with a cat who always seemed to be sitting on my porch. he was rough looking matted hair had some sores but very friendly. He looks like Sylvester. I had always seen this cat just walking around the neighborhood stopping by y place for a munch he knew i always had some food for him the same times everyday and i would see him coming. He would run up the street if I called him. Winter was going to be coming so I thought this poor thing cant stay outside all winter again. I didn’t know what to do because I already had 5 cats and thought my cats wouldn’t accept him. Was I wrong. I slowly brought him in the house to get acquainted with my other cats they acted like they were best friends and accepted him right away. I was expecting a major cat fight but nope. The stray just liked to hog all the food. I took him to the vet and got him fixed, needles, etc. and he hasn’t left my side. He is the most lovable cat and very thankful I’m sure. He has gained quite a few pounds because he is was always hungry so I fed him….poor thing is now on a diet. Right now he is laying on top of the couch like he owns it. Why not he had a rough life before he moved in here. He deserves it. He’s the Best Kitty on earth!

May 23, 2011 Judith
by: Gail (Boston, USA)

You are a very special person to have earned the trust of a stray/feral. They appreciate everything you do, as the testament of this beauty shows.

I’ve got an indoor cat, Abby, adopted from our local shelter. She comes to get me whenever the strays/ferals are out back looking for food. It’s the cutest thing.

I agree with other posters who said a little “white” lie about caring for a visiting cat will go a lot further than confessing to feeding strays. If they knew strays were there, the management just may come and get them to be killed. Bless you for all that you do.

May 22, 2011 Lovely story
by: Ruth

Thank you for your lovely story Judith, you are a true cat lover.

A white lie saying something like the extra cat is a temporary visitor while a friend is in hospital would be quite acceptable I think.

I admire you very much, wheelchair bound yet still caring about stray cats and accepting Samantha when she moved in.

You are Earth Angel !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

May 21, 2011 Lucky Samantha!
by: Dorothy

This is a perfect cat story. Your 21 year old cat will probably make room for Sam before anyone finds out. Hard as that will be, the comfort of Sam will make it easier. Meanwhile…shhhhhhhhh I won’t tell a soul. Samantha knew right where to land. Trust that.

I have a stray too who chose me, and now he is my heart. He’s probably 10 years old. We’ve known each other almost two years. He rules the roost. When a cat jumps on your lap, it speaks volumes, and she obviously was in a human/cat relationship before. Perhaps dumped.

I have a feral cat too, who I’ll probably never get to cuddle, but we too have a great relationship, though distant.

Lucky Samantha. Best wishes. It helps to tell the story, and this is the perfect spot. Lots of power here.

May 21, 2011 Stray Cats
by: Bob

It seems as though this cat has claimed you as his human and you have a third cat. It could be just a stray that comes by if anyone asks.

Strays for a while will eat about all the food they can hold. This probably comes form doing without food so they are going to hog all they can when they can for a while. This will slow down after a while.

You will hardly never find a cat that will love you more than a stray or feral. They appreciate what you do for them and will show it with their affection. The other day I went out to feed my ferals and saw Tinkerbell flying across the street with something in her mouth. She ran up to me and dropped a bird she had caugh in right front me then went to her normal spot to be fed. I rubbed her back and head to thank her but rather she didn’t kill the bird. That’s nature and we can’t change it. Tinkerbell was doing what she could to thank me for caring for her by bring me food. I have seen this many times with my cats.

Thank you for being such a kind heart and helping the strays, they will love you for it.

May 21, 2011 Nice
by: Michael

Beautiful and tender story that highlights the vulnerability of stray cats and how they crave the life – the human companionship – that they are meant to lead but for people’s irresponsibility. Their fear of the human results in most keeping their distance from us – wise normally.

Thanks for the story, Judith.

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