You’ll enjoy this excellent photograph of two sibling Maine Coon/Bengal Cat mix cats. When I first saw them, I thought they could be Bengal cat twins. They really do look very alike. And they look far more like Bengal cats than Maine Coons.

“Photo courtesy of Dan Power – All Rights Reserved.“
Despite looking carefully, I couldn’t be certain of the names of these gorgeous cats. One problem was that they look so alike you could easily a mistake. I hope Deborah, their human guardian and caretaker, leaves a comment and tells us their names. Deborah and Dan kindly agreed to let me publish Dan’s photograph on this website.
Dan Power takes a damn good photo. Mind you he does have fine looking subjects, which helps.
These two splendid cats are hybrids and I have never seen a Bengal to Maine Coon hybrid before. It is an interesting mix because it seems to me that the Bengal genes are dominant to the Maine Coon genes. Perhaps Deborah can comment on that also. As mentioned they look like Bengal cats except, perhaps, for that famous Maine Coon muzzle. I don’t think the Bengal cat has a muzzle that is as square and as strong as can be seen in the photograph.
They do have that Bengal cat wild-eyed look. You can notice that particularly strongly with the cat on the right. He/she looks a bit wilder in the picture.
The coat is another interesting aspect. Bengal cats have tabby coats: spotted in a variety of spots shapes/types and blotchy which is called a classic tabby. The two siblings in the picture have banded fur on the limbs but I can’t see the body. I will presume they are spotted cats.
Deborah has a very cat orientated household. Deborah says this:
I actually have eight cats – 3 rescues (one Ragdoll, one Maine Coon mix, and one Tortie mix), a purebred Bengal, a purebred Maine Coon, and three Maine
Coon/Bengal mix. You can find me on Facebook and look at all of my photo
albums. If you are looking to feature the purebred Bengal, you will find a
lot of images of my beautiful girl, Zoey.
The cats are definitely on an equal footing to the humans. Actually they are probably more important. We love that and great cat pictures on PoC. Thanks Deborah and Dan. With your permission I’ll probably be returning to your cats in the future to feature them again on PoC.
Thanks Corina for sharing from Germany. I like that.
Hallo, ich wollte nun auch gerne mich zu Wort melden. Ich bin dieser tollen Hybrid Rasse Renegade, die immer noch im Experimentalstatus steht, verfallen. Ich habe auch schon selbst mit der Zucht. Begonnen, doch leider sind die paar wenigen Züchter, die wir in Deutschland hatten, wieder abgesprungen und nun stehe ich wieder bei den Anfängen. Die Renegade ist eine wundervolle große Hybrid Rasse, die anders als die Bengale, durch den Maine Coon Einfluss, ruhig, gelassen, sehr anhänglich, intelligent und ziemlich verspielt ist. Trotz der ruhigen Charaktere ist sie vom Aussehen her Wild und meistens auch sehr groß. Vor allem die Kater, die ein Gewicht von 12 Kg erreichen können, die Kätzin vom Gewicht zwischen 4 – 7kg hat. Die Renegade ist etwas Hochbeiniger, mit einen leicht konkaven Rücken, bedingt durch die hohe Hüfte. Der Kopf ist etwas länger und zierlicher als bei der Maine Coon und der Nasenrücken besitzt keinen bzw. Nur einen leichten Stopp.
English Translation:
Hello, I also wanted to speak about this. I’m addicted to this great hybrid breed Renegade, which is still in experimental status. I also have breeding myself. Started, but unfortunately the few breeders, which we have in Germany, stopped and now I’m back at the beginning.
The Renegade is a wonderful big hybrid breed that, unlike the Bengal, is influenced by the Maine Coon: calm, laid back, very affectionate, intelligent and quite playful. Despite the quiet characters, the cat is wild in appearance and usually very tall. Especially the size, which can reach a weight of 12 kg, the cat has the weight between 4 – 7kg. The Renegade is slightly high-legged, with a slightly concave back, due to the high hip. The head is slightly longer and more delicate than the Maine Coon and the bridge of the nose has no or only a slight stop.
My pleasure!
Gosh what a truly stunning cat. She is one of those cats that I put in the top 10 or 20 cats that I’ve seen over the 7 years I have been managing this website and trust me I have seen tens of thousands of cats! Thanks sharing.
We’ve had a Bengal-Maine Coon mix female since 2010, she has the leopard spots on her sides and the long hair of a coon. But the softness of her hair is all Bengal, she even has glitter.