Bengal Cat Pictures

This is another selection of Bengal cat pictures by Helmi Flick. The Bengal cat is so mainstream now that perhaps people forget that in the 1970s this breed was quite a revelation being a wild cat hybrid. The Bengal cat kicked off the trend in the late 20th century for wild cat hybrid or exotic cats.  About 20 years after the Bengal cat was first introduced into the world the value of a single foundation cat in the UK was very high indeed ($40,000.00).

This is an automatically generated gallery with square thumbnails. The pictures are cropped. You can see large format versions of the whole photograph by clicking on the thumbnails.

These are particularly beautiful Bengal cats and Bengal cat pictures. ‘Thriller’ for example is quite a famous cat. He looks very stocky and strong. In fact a number of these cats are what I have referred to as ‘celebrity Bengal cats’. Nearly all the pictures have a naturally dynamic feel to them. You don’t always get that is a studio cat photograph.

Some cats can bit put off by the whole experience and they might clam up and retreat. But the Bengal cat tends to be more outgoing. Often they will respond to the cat tease and try and catch it. Is that the wild cat in them getting out?

Here is a video comparing the Bengal and Exotic Shorthair (a short haired Persian) in the photographic studio:

You may have seen it before but if not it is quite instructive about the differences in character of cat breeds, which can, incidentally, be slight exaggerated.

5 thoughts on “Bengal Cat Pictures”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. This is a very interesting comment Marc. Thank you for taking the time to write it. I wish you would write an article for PoC on Cat Ownership in Switzerland or Domestic and Feral Cats of Switzerland. If you want to do one you can email me with it or paste it into the form on this page:

  3. For your records, you might want to take note of the Swiss feral/stray numbers estimate. I have researched the country in terms of cats and I know they have very commendable standards here. They spay/neuter as it should be and I can tell you for myself, I have never seen a stray cat here! That is unbelievable, but true. I live in the Zurich (german) area, quite near Zurich on the lake. There is countryside very nearby. I am amazed and pleased to have never seen a stray. I have volunteered at local cat shelters, but I must say that was pretty hard because they had ‘too many volunteers’ already! I kid you not! I have however heard that there are stray/feral cats. I finally got my estimate the other day in the local paper (I dont speak german so its hard for me to research all this stuff and find out things – google translate helps) – the paper had a small article telling people to always adopt from shelters, claiming an estimate of between 200,000 to 300,000 ‘homeless’ cats to be living in Switzerland. I think this is a pretty low number actually. I am impressed. NOT low enough by any means – don’t get me wrong. So there it is. I can also tell you shelters and foster homes are by no means full.

    I can also tell you if you were to run a cat over in the road you would be fined heavily for it if caught.

    When you adopt a cat in Switzerland, its expected that the shelter will come and visit your home, and reserve the right to at any point. They are very careful about adoptions. Usually when you adopt, it starts off that you take the cat and the adoption is under review, to see if the cat is happy, for example if it gets along with another cat if there is one. They are strict about indoor and outdoor. If a cat has lived being able to go outside, they will only allow a person who has the right environment for it to live where it can still go out. You are not allowed to lock a previously outdoor going cat inside. Sometimes they will accept a good balcony as a replacement. After a few months they will check up, maybe visit, but more likely have you bring the cat in for a medical checkup and see how the cat is before signing off 100% on the adoption. Even after it becomes permanent they have the power to visit or ask questions or to see the cat.

    Only breeders require you keep them in 100% – or shelters if the cat is already a 100% indoor cat.

    There is a great ‘lost cat’ website for people who lose their cats.

    If I remember some more interesting things about Switzerland specifically I will let you know. I will continue to research, read and learn what I can about cats and cat welfare in Switzerland and I can update you with any further findings.

    I agree, language is totally an issue in Europe. I’m french, and I just don’t understand German but I am learning and I know some cat related jargon now from shelter websites and classifieds and local breeder sites. I am constantly on the lookout here. I talk to people who have cats too if i get the chance, and see how they care for them.

    Switzerland is a very good country in terms of animal welfare from what I see so far.

    If you want a smaller animal such as a hamster, rat or ferret – birds even, it is illegal to have just one as far as I understand. You must have at least 2 so one is not alone and it has a friend. Excellent law that is!

    This all sets a good example, and the swiss do usually follow the laws – they ar famous for it 🙂 – but in this case its a good thing. The question is, is there much hidden ignoring of welfare going on.

    Knowing the Swiss and having lived here for a good 6 years altogether I would say not. Its a pretty decent country. …I’m sorry my comments go on and on, thats why I never used to comment. I am not a good writer, but I do have a few things to say 🙂

    Anyway, 2 to 300,000 ferals and strays in this country.

  4. I wish I could hear more from Switzerland and other mainland European countries. It is interesting to hear from you as to the the popularity of the breeds in Switzerland. I hardly ever get comments from mainland Europe. It may be a language problem. Probably is. But Germans and Swiss can understand English and are very good at English. Why don’t we get feedback from mainland Europe (all of Europe except the UK)? The prices for purebred pedigree cats are similar worldwide more or less. That is an interesting statistic too. Normally you get variations.

  5. The ‘marbled’ coat is very beautiful and exotic looking! I browse the swiss online classifieds for cats, just out of interest, and see alot of Bengals. They must be quite popular here. I notice that some of the ads come from breeders in countries like Germany, Slovakia and even Poland and Russia. But there are many breeders of Bengals in Switzerland it would seem. The Swiss also love British Short/Long-hairs and of course Maine Coons. Bengals go for about 600 to 1200 Swiss Francs (about 400 – 900 pounds, or 600 – 1200 US dollars) – not cheap. But Main Coons also fetch similar prices. BSH and BLH are a bit cheaper. Switzerland is generally considered an expensive country. More so than Euro zone countries and England and of course North America.

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