Best and worst cat breeds on 10 characteristics as the British Shorthair comes out on top (Infographic)

Well, this is an infographic showing the best and worst cat breeds with respect to 10 different characteristics. I think people who are considering adopting a purebred, pedigree cat will find it interesting. The infographic is entirely based on one study: Breed differences of heritable behaviour traits in cats. It was conducted by Milla Salonen and team and published on 28th May 2019. Citation: Salonen, M., Vapalahti, K., Tiira, K. et al. Breed differences of heritable behaviour traits in cats. Sci Rep 9, 7949 (2019).

The cat breed which comes out on top overall has to the be the popular British Shorthair. And when I mean the best breed, I mean in terms of being a nice companion animal; trouble free in terms of behavioural characteristics. Of course, inherited health is another big issue which I don’t cover here. The most popular type of British Shorthair is the British Blue, a grey cat. This is one of the oldest cat breeds of the cat fancy. Amazing that it is still very popular and deservedly so.

There is a search facility below where you can search for lots more information about the British SH and the other breeds. There are also many health articles on the breeds.

The beauty of the British SH is that the cat both looks good and has a character most suitable as a pet, based on this study.

Blue British Shorthair at a cat show
Blue British Shorthair at a cat show. Photo: Pixabay.


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