Betty White devoted her life to improving the lives of animals

Betty White and dog Sadie

Betty White is described as an “actress, comedienne, singer, author and television personality”. I doubt if she finds the description complete because she says that she has devoted her life to trying to improve the lives of animals. I wonder if “animal advocate” (or “animal health advocate”) should be part of her CV and be placed before all the rest even though she is a famous and talented personality.

Betty White has worked with the Morris Animal Foundation for 40 years and is currently president emeritus and a trustee. Morris Animal Foundation appear to specialize in funding research to improve veterinary medicine. Betty has also worked for many other animal organizations.

Betty is 91 years of age and still fighting for animals as she requested donations to the foundation on her last birthday. At 91 she still presents NBC’s show “Off Their Rockers”.  She has had a prolific television and film career.

She appears to have inherited love of a animals from her parents who were equally fond of animals. Betty describes her work for animal welfare “a very expensive habit”.  By expensive I believe she means in time and money.

Her parents cared for an orange tabby cat when she was a baby. Their cat used to sit on the edge of her crib. Her parents told her that their cat had to accept her otherwise “[she] would have to go back”.

She seems to love all animals equally. However, I believe that her companion animals are dogs. There is a picture of her at home with four dogs. Although it was taken a long time ago.

Betty White is a great lady and she deserves all the praise she can get. Well done Betty.

5 thoughts on “Betty White devoted her life to improving the lives of animals”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Europeans won’t know her as well, for sure. I have heard of her but only through research did I learn about her. Goodness is written all over her face.

    You make a good point about loving animals and living longer. I think it is true in the same it is true that walking for 30 mins every day prolongs life. Loving our fellow creatures or simply working with them and for them is natural as is walking and using the body. Keep it natural.

  3. Yes, Betty isn’t an ordinary person, but she is incredibly loved and admired over here.
    I wonder if there is a connection between animal passion and longevity of life.

  4. Yes it would be good to have more people who have given their lives to rescuing cats, visiting PoC, most are unsung heros/heroines.

  5. Well said Ruth. You are always right because you think straight. Animals need the Betty Whites of this world (the high profile people) but the real animal welfare heroes are almost unknown, unsung and out there right now, helping cats who no one else wanted to help. You know, I wish they would come forward and visit and comment and PoC would be pleased to help.

  6. Yes well done Betty White ….but …..there are many many ordinary people who have done animal welfare all their lives and because they are not ‘celebrities’ no one much knows about them.
    I know quite a few and admire them very much.

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