Big Cat Rescue, Corp. Needs Your Votes!!!
by Gail
(Boston, USA)
From the Care2 Petition site: Your Vote Can Help Big Cats! Voting Ends Midnight Friday.
Big Cat Rescue in Tampa – the largest accredited sanctuary in the world devoted entirely to big cats – is in a voting contest on Facebook. As one of the 100 small nonprofits who are finalists to win up to $1 million, Big Cat Rescue needs your help. If they win, the money would be used to support over 100 big cats and help save the tiger from extinction.
But voting ends Friday at midnight, and they need your vote!
Big Cat Rescue is at #20 in the contest right now, but they need to get to #6 to win one of the grants.
Voting takes only a few minutes, and it’s a simple way to make a real impact. Here’s how we can help big cats:
Follow this link to the contest page: (new window)
Facebook will then ask you if you want to “Allow” this application on your homepage. Click “Allow.” Keep in mind, you can always remove this access immediately after voting.
You will then be prompted to the Big Cat Rescue Corp Community Giving page.
Click the “Become a Fan of this Page” button
Once you are a fan, click “VOTE FOR CHARITY”
Every vote makes a difference and your single vote could mean $1 million for big cats. Help support over 100 big cats and save tigers from extinction by voting for the Big Cat Rescue now. And once you’ve voted, please pass this along to all of your friends and family who love big cats too.
Thanks for helping to save the tigers! Natasha
Care2 Campaign Team