Bigfoot’s Christmas Present To Me

Bigfoot’s Christmas Present To Me

by Dorothy
(Central Coast of California)

Daisy (left) and Bigfoot (right)

Daisy (left) and Bigfoot (right)

I can't remember Bigfoot ever being a homeless cat, wandering the neighborhood. He must have been abandoned by someone who moved, left to fend for himself. Well, he did well finding us, and as you can see he has finally given up on trying to convince me to get rid of the dog.

Of course, this is what Daisy the dog is always doing if she isn't out walking. The photo doesn't show that Daisy is more afraid than Bigfoot.

I don't see any cuddling in their future, but peaceful living in the whole house is looking like an option for Bigfoot, who has stolen my heart.

Happy Christmas to all our new friends on Pictures of Cats. So glad to have found this website that satisfies all my curiosities regarding my new obsession, cats.

Finn and his beauties, Kattadora and her Boyz, Zach the poet, Michael and all the other authors of lovely stories of cats.

Associated page:

Big Foot


Hi Dorothy... thanks for sending me some more pics. Here is one of Bigfoot close to the wall, tail curling around the wall to check his position, eyes on Daisy and Daisy looking lazily back. Yeh... we can get along....Michael

cat and dog see each other and get on

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Bigfoot's Christmas Present To Me

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Dec 25, 2009
Cats and dogs
by: Ruth aka Kattaddorra

Happy Christmas Dorothy, Daisy and Bigfoot.We had a blue merle rough collie when we first got cats, they were never friends but they did tolerate each other.

I love your photos.

Finn you do make me laugh, you are so droll, 2 strong minded Alpaha queens in addition to your wife lol lol

Dec 24, 2009
Bigfoot and Daisy
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Dorothy. Happy Christmas to you all. I'm so happy to hear that Bigfoot no longer has to confine himself to the upper floors. He and Daisy doesn't have to be best friends to live peacefully together - I know that from having two strong-minded Alpha queens in our home (in addition to my wife). Much of their waking time will be spent curiously keeping an eye on what the other is up to. 😉

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