Bison at A1 Savannahs!

Bison at A1 Savannahs!

by Michael
(Ponca City, OK)

There is a Bison at A1 Savannahs and I just had to photograph it. This is a magnificent animal with a massive head. They can weight 2000 pounds and can travel at 30 mph. It is said (and this is unconfirmed) that they were second only to the brown bear as a potential killer. The brown bear being at the number one spot.

They use their head as a battering ram and at 2000 lbs and at 30 mph that is one heck of a battering ram.

Bison Buffalo at A1 Savannahs!

This is a young Bison.  They are the the largest terrestrial animals in North America and Europe.

The Bison has few predators due to its large size. It likes to wallow. Its main food is grass.

At the time this photograph was taken she (she is a female Bison) was just in front of the house at A1 Savannahs, grazing. I was on the computer, building and publishing a page on Savannah kittens at play and sleep. I saw this young Bison because she had wandered into my view and I decided to meet up with her.

Once I arrived and approached to within about 15 feet she decided to clear off – sensible really. Humans are the top predator.

I just felt like sharing this fine animal with cat lovers. Cat lovers like all animals.

Update..the next day..

Here she is with her goats in tow. The goats seem to follow her keeping her company. They seem to be very friendly towards each other:

Buffalo and goats
Buffalo with her goats following

From Bison at A1 Savannahs

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Bison at A1 Savannahs!

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Jun 04, 2010 I love your stuff
by: kathy

I am loving your stuff from A-1 Savannahs. My kitten has some of their breeding. I also love the bison. My boyfriend is a bison lover and we became the not so proud owner of a buffalo hide that we found at a local flea market. The price we couldnt pass up and the hide kept us plenty warm through last winter whenwe had it on our bed. It truly is a showpiece and the spirit of this buffalo visited me in a dream. I’m not keen on any animal parts at all in my house unless they are alive. Keep those postcards coming, I love all the pictures because I’ll probaly never get to ever visit A-1 Savannahs and I do know they are very picky who they let on their property, you are very lucky.

May 23, 2010 Yes, I think they are
by: Maggie Sharp

They look like Barbardo sheep, the rams of the breed are horned, whereas the ewes are polled (don’t have horns).

I love sheep, I’m currently in the process of looking for a companion for George, my strange looking wether. (A wether is a neutered male.)

May 23, 2010 Maybe they are!
by: Michael

Maggie…maybe they are sheep! I’ll have to check. Sometimes sheep can look like goats! It depends where you are.

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May 23, 2010 Bison and goats!
by: Maggie Sharp

What a strange combination! Though, she looks very happy with the goats… I’ve never seen goats like that before, they look more like sheep!

May 23, 2010 Hi
by: Michael

She is on the A1 Savannah farm. There are many acres of farm owned by A1 Savannahs – it extends to the horizon – and this lovely Buffalo is a member of the group of 15 species of animal on the farm.

She walks around the farm with goats as company. The goats seem to follow her around.

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May 23, 2010 Bison
by: Maggie Sharp

She’s beautiful! What a cutie! Is she a member of A1 SVs? Or is she wild?

The closest thing I’ve met to a bison is a water buffalo… It was a few years ago, he was a big boy, and it was mating season so he was strangely attracted to anything red…

As you said, most cat lovers are all animal lovers, and I won’t hesitate to admit that I am exactly that! =)

May 23, 2010 A real big cow
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

She is almost twice the size of an ordinary cow. Too bad you didn’t get close enough to pat her, Michael. 😉

I’m happy that the Buffalo Bills of the Wild West did not succeed in hunting this impressive animal to extinction. They almost did…

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