Bizarre humans: pets can’t get and transmit Covid-19 but they are being killed by their thousands in China

NEWS/OPINION: In a bizarre twist of fate, not only have humans created the Covid-19 pandemic out of cruelty towards wild animals, they are now killing thousands of domestic animals unnecessarily. Is there no end to the cruelty that humans can perpetrate upon animals? Isn’t it enough to create a viral pandemic through carelessness, negligence and arrogance by slaughtering wild animals at a live animal market? Humans then have to blame companion animals for spreading the virus when, as far as is scientifically known, there is at present no evidence that they do so. It’s compounding one problem with another. It’s compounding bad behaviour with more bad behaviour.

You know the reason, don’t you? When people are frightened it brings the worst out in them.

Update May 17th 2021: Pets can get Covid-19 but it seems to be rare and currently there is no evidence that cats and dogs transmit the disease to people although it makes sense if they do as the disease is zoonotic. But this does not call for cruelty to cats and dogs.

Saved cat
Saved cat from China Covid-19 slaughter of cats and dogs

The Sun online newspaper reports that hundreds of cats and dogs that were abandoned in Wuhan at the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak are now being ruthlessly executed by the Chinese authorities.

Many companion animals have been left alone in houses and apartments when their owners hastily left the city. They may have left behind enough food and water for several days but they’ve been away for much longer. Some of these animals have been rescued by kind volunteers while many others have starved to death. It’s hard to estimate the numbers but volunteers have rescued animals from upwards of 1,000 apartments so the number nationwide must be substantial. In fact, is estimated by the Vshine Animal Protection Association, a China-based animal welfare group, that tens of thousands of companion animals have been left alone to die in homes. It is liable to become much worse.

Further, it is reported that Chinese officials have been rounding up companion animals on the street (or are these stray cats and dogs?) and executing them to try and stop the spread of the coronavirus. I find it bizarre because, as mentioned above, there is no scientific evidence for this. It seems to be a knee-jerk reaction based upon emotion and cruelty.

It is reported that community officers in cities in China have been knocking on doors and ordering residents to hand over their companion animals before slaughtering them! There’s a video online on the Nanchong Missing Animal Aid Group which shows what appears to be dead dogs in the back of a truck. You may have already heard that earlier on in the outbreak some cat and dog owners were throwing their companion animals out of high-rise windows to get rid of them instantly out of fear. Five cats were thrown to their death in Shanghai. In Tianjin City in Hebei Province a dog was found dead allegedly thrown from the upper floors of a block of flats.

To an outsider, it looks like a mass, Armageddon-like hell of companion animal abuse for no reason. How barbaric and badly behaved do humans have to be before they change their behaviour to one which is humane and decent?

8 thoughts on “Bizarre humans: pets can’t get and transmit Covid-19 but they are being killed by their thousands in China”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Seriously Anon crawl back under the rock you came from, Chinese are stupid and ignorant, blame it on bats and those nasty evil markets there and now they are open again, chinese government are evil and arrogant, cats and dogs are innocent

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