Black-and-white dwarf cat becomes an Instagram star

The dwarf cat is still popular. The founding dwarf cat is the Munchkin. Manchester is almost 2-years-of-age and a social media star. Alexander Ushakov, 36, bought “Manchester” when he was 4 months old. The fact that he bought him indicates that Manchester is a purebred dwarf cat, a Munchkin. He might not be as we are not told. Sometimes the genetic mutation which causes dwarfism simply occurs randomly and spontaneously in the general random bred cat population.

Manchester a dwarf cat living in Moscow
Manchester a dwarf cat living in Moscow. Photo: Jam Press from Manchester’s Instagram account.

He lives with Alexander in Moscow, Russia and he is named after his favourite football team Manchester United. It is not surprising that he has a lot of fans (60k) on Instagram because he is adorable. I think his coat goes very well together with his four-inch legs. He is incredibly cute and people like cuteness because cuteness means friendliness and niceness and people like a lot of that in a world which can sometimes be distinctly the opposite.

Dwarf cats

I have lots of pages on dwarf cats on this website. They are generally a pretty healthy breed but they can suffer from two conditions which I discuss as well. You can read about those potential health issues by clicking on this link. I have to say that Manchester looks very healthy.

Some more on dwarf cats

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