I can’t watch this video (I checked out some individual frames). I don’t expect a lot of cat lovers to watch it either because it is upsetting to most people. But it is interesting in the sense that the bobcat fights back. I feel a duty to show it on this site. There is world out there where killing beautiful creatures is a pleasure to many people.
I wish the cat had really hurt this bloody hunter. My God do I hate hunters. I don’t hate anything more than idiot hunters who just don’t see the cruelty of their pastime. Relying on cruelty to entertain oneself is morally reprehensible. They don’t get it.
This is the comment by the hunter:
“Tim calls a bobcat into 3 yards then arrows him. Instead of running off the cat goes ballistic and jumps over the camera in an “IN YOUR FACE” attack mode.”
The video is on a Facebook page: “Whackstar Hunters”. They have their own website on which there is a story about a man, Barry Green, who admits to have killed 1,300 feral cats. You can see the screenshot below. On this screenshot from Sam Wood’s Facebook page, Sam Woods also admits to killing around 1,000 feral cats. I wrote about Sam Wood quite recently. He is a self declared redneck hunter who has a passion for killing.

The world of hunters is completely alien to me. The mentality of the hunters is so far removed from mine. I see them as another species of human.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I don’t think differently. The proper answer would be to keep cats inside if the area has predators of if there is the potential for predators attacking cats. By “inside” I don’t necessarily mean inside the home but protected by an enclose which keeps predators out. That would be taking preventative measures rather than violent aggressive measures.
Packs of trap-savvy coyotes and coy-wolves moved into our town one year. They were attracted to all the cats and the food we left out for our indoor/outdoor cats. Very lucky for us we had some skilled hunters that took care of that problem for us and our cats! Seeing a bunch of torn apart cats every morning was no fun. I bet you’d think very very differently about hunters if they were saving the lives of the animals that you love. Wherever there’s packs of wild dogs attacking cats you can thank hunters from stopping them from killing cats too.
Normally I can find something good in people; this man is an exception to the rule. What’s worse-you won’t find any signs of sympathy or remorse in him.
Hunters of this species are thriving off their own sick obsessions.
No doubt he’s taken a redneck wife. She’s waiting for his safe return to skin a cat.
I know a lot of people hate hunting and hunters period. I have lived in numerous areas where the deer populations had them at starvation level. Most hunters I know hunt to fill the freezer. Some keep the trophy and mount the head on the wall, many have the hides tanned and something made from them.
We do not have to hunt for fur. Real fur is no warmer and is a pain to care for.
People who shoot cats on sight are just killing because they can and justifying by saying the cat shouldn’t have been loose. I thought it was a feral dog is never going to fly and neither should this crap. The AAFP strongly recommends that stray, shelter and feral cats be euthanized by the same standards used for our beloved pets. The only way to know for sure a cat is feral is for it to be evaluated.
Hunters are insane. Literally, it’s like a piece of their brains are missing. I agree, Michael. I hate hunters. I do believe in karma. Maybe after they die, or in their next life, they will become the hunted. 😱😯