by Leslie
(Wynne, AR)
Bobtail cat - Tiger Shark - 11 week old male.
I would like to know anyone's opinion on what breed of Bobtail cat we have. We have always called our cats Manx cats. However, after learning that there are different types of tailless cats, I am not so sure anymore. Thanks, any opinion would be greatly appreciated.
The picture, above, is of Tiger, who is 11 weeks old. I rescued him from being abused on a playground by children when he was approximately 5 weeks old. He is very very active.
He loves our kids and has especially bonded with me. He nurses on me and has to follow me everywhere. He wants to eat any and everything we eat and will run my adult dogs and cat away from their food to "get a bite" of theirs. He has always been vocal but just recently started talking back when I call his name. He purrs and "clicks" all the time. Especially when he is laying on me. He is getting very long, tall and "lanky" like a teenage boy would be.
My husband said he looks like he has some Siamese in him. However, I'm not so sure about this. It just seems that way when he is looking right at you, his eyes sort of cross. He loves to climb on my shoulders and sleep or just hang out when I'm walking around.
His eyes were blue like all babies. However they have started to change and are green on the outside and blue on the inside. He has a wonderful personality and I am so happy our paths crossed when they did.
Thanks Vannisa. I know of the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry website. I’ll visit it again.
Your cat is what is known as a mountain bob and you can learn more about them at the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry. I hope this tidbit has been of some help to you.