Bombay cat infographic

Summarising the Bombay cat breed in an infographic is the objective. This is the only cat breed that has to be one colour: black. But it is a very special kind of black: jet black out of which peer glistening copper eyes. A miniature black panther is the objective. The breed brings to mind the Toyger, a miniature tiger which was also artificially created but around 20 years after the creation of the Bombay. There was a fascination in the cat fancy for bring the wild cats into the living room with the domestic cat. These breeds which include the wild cat hybrids such as the Bengal were designed, I believe, to be exotic and people like the exotic. People see the wild cats as exotic, special and distanced from the home. The Bombay brings the exotic into the home.

Bombay cat infographic
Bombay cat infographic by MikeB at PoC. This is free to use under a Creative Commons: ATTRIBUTION-NODERIVS CC BY-ND license. You can see it larger on a desktop or laptop by clicking on it. You can download it from there by right clicking and selecting ‘save as..’

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