There is a booming business in cat meat in Vietnam resulting in pet cats being taken from the streets in their tens of thousands across Asia.
Some of these cats will be community cats and some will be domestic cats. These people are therefore often stealing and brutally killing someone else’s cat. It is like harvesting free livestock that happens to be on your doorstep. It is quite revolting to people in the West but we have to respect other people’s culture don’t we?

The people who roundup these cats and steal them charge restaurants £37-£52 for each cat. That is the value of a domestic cat in Vietnam, which, ironically is probably higher than the value of a random bred, domestic cat in the West. That is the power of commerce because when people eat cats they have a value above the value when they only look after them.
The cooked cats are served up as “baby tiger with noodles”. Restaurants are springing up across northern Vietnam despite laws against eating domestic cats.
The owner of a restaurant, one hour from the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, told the Daily Mail that demand was so high he had slaughtered 31 cats that day and the day wasn’t over by the sound of it.
The law against eating domestic cat is not enforced because it is a very popular dish with police officers, lawyers and officials.
There are animal welfare groups in Vietnam who obviously hate this trade. They say that the animals are transported in appalling conditions over large distances to service the restaurants. They say the cats are skinned alive.
Eating cats is so popular in Vietnam that truck loads are imported from neighbouring Laos and China.
In January 2015, a lorry containing 3 tons of cats was seized by the police on its way to Hanoi. Some of the animals had died in the heat and the rest were crushed to death after they had been rescued because it was believed that they might spread disease. It is a true horror story. The truck driver was fined £250 for smuggling them in.
In one restaurant, the most popular dish is “cat meat hot pot”. It is priced at about £40. It feeds 7 people. This is a very pricey meal in Vietnam, which indicates how popular it is and how much it is considered to be a delicacy.
This restaurant owner keeps hundreds of cats in cages crammed together. They are terrified and they struggle to get out. I won’t describe how they are killed because it is too brutal. The restaurant owner says:
“Everybody wants to eat cat now. It is more delicious and exotic than other kinds of meat. I’ve killed 31 cats today already. We’ve never been busier. Some people are superstitious and believe they bring them strength and good fortune. Lawyers, policeman and company directors eat them at the start of the lunar month.”
One customer says that cats are the best meat because, “Cats are particular about what they eat so the meat is cleaner and better for you inside”.
Cat meat is becoming more popular because customers have more money. The best cats are two and a half years of age and are about two and a half kilograms in weight.
Source: Daily Mail
List them all out in a comment please Woody.
The Egyptians were no more cat lovers than people are today (they abused cats like you) but the purpose of killing thousands of cats and kittens was to worship Bastet not to exterminate the cats.
Many readers might not support my view of “CAT AND DOG MENU” in Vietnam and some other Country’s including the most developed and one of the World’s wealthiest Country’s Switzerland.I personally feel that as a “NON-VEGETARIAN” human a person has the right to eat any thing and its society taboo’s that prevent us from consuming certain animal species.Isn’t a chicken, cow, pig or goat as intelligent as a pet dog or cat if domesticated as a household pet ? Had personally visited Vietnam in 2013 and never did come across any restaurant openly selling “Dog” or “Cat” meat although did make inquiries in Hanoi.Language is a problem besides the locals refrain from disclosing certain taboo food restaurants to tourists.In Hanoi i did come across a mowgy cat tied to a post like a chicken inside a grocery shop and hope it was not for ‘Cat Meat”.Hanoi is notorious for its snake, dog and cat meat restaurants.I did post a photo of this cat on “P.O.C”.Unless the cats and dogs are stolen to be sold as meat i feel that there is no reason to criticize the Vietnamese for their unique culinary tastes. Isn’t horse meat a delicacy in many country’s including Japan? “Ferdinand” a horse that won the Kentucky Derby was later slaughtered in Japan for “Horse meat” as it was useless after its racing career .We can’t have “Double Standards” of judging the culinary habits of people who don’t eat the normal food we eat.Arn’t “VEGETARIANS” aghast over “NON VEGETARIANS” ? I have posted a photo of the cat in Hanoi on a leash.
Jim, don’t you have birdies to care for?
There are plover egges to guard.
At least they found a fast way to dispose of your overbreeding vermin. 🙂 Just like the Egyptians made it a religious custom to kill them at a young age, mummify them, then leave them at their nearest place of worship in-order to keep up with their unnaturally high breeding rates. (This is why they found over 300,000 young mummified cats buried in Egypt for a population of only 100,000 to 150,000 people.) I just hope they are aware of the 3dozen+ deadly zoonotic diseases that your cats are spreading to all other animals and humans today. Make sure you cook that cat thoroughly!
Yes, I feel the same way. It is horrible. It makes me despair to be honest and I am not sure if I should post these news articles. Cat meat is becoming more popular when it should be phased out.
Stories like this feel like a stake has been driven through my heart 🙁 The suffering those poor creatures go through and the brutal ways in which they are killed is something which can never be unseen. Those images stay and haunt forever.
Just the other day I read the horrific story of a badly beaten, stray cat lovingly nursed back to health by a cat rescue organisation in Korea, who was then sent by the adopter (along with another cat this woman had owned for 7 years) to her mother to be eaten as cat meat! The rescue are heartbroken and calling for justice – please sign this petition.