Boosting a Cat’s Immune System Naturally

Herbs to boost a cat's immune system
Herbs to boost a cat’s immune system

Conventionally, a cat’s immune system is treated medically in two ways (a) innoculations stimulate the immune system to create antibodies to fight infections and (b) when the immune system goes awry corticosteroids are administered to suppress it.

There are some complimentary treatments for the immune system.

Practitioners of complimentary treatments say that positive mental activity combined with a nutritious diet and exercise supports the immune system.

In addition, herbal remedies and nutritional supplements might enhance the immune system’s ability to respond to infections.

Also, a cat’s emotions and feelings will influence his immune processes so therapies which benefit mind and emotion may also help to boost the immune system.


Astragalus root is a popular plant in Chinese medicine.  Although I’m not a fan of Chinese medicine because of its damaging impact on wildlife this plant is considered to be an immuno-stimulant herb.

We are told that it stimulates the development of cells in the immune system.

In addition, the purple coneflower is said to stimulate macrophages (a type of white blood cell), especially in their action against yeast cells. And Berberis and Aloe Vera stimulate an immune response.

Nutritional Therapies

Research with respect to people tells us that substances that act as antioxidants help to improve our immune response. Antioxidants neutralise excess free radicals. These are chemicals that can damage cell membranes.

Antioxidants include the mineral selenium, which incidentally can be toxic in excess, zinc, vitamins A, C and E, and bioflavonoids.

Beta-carotene improves skin mucous membrane defences. It also enhances antibody response.

Vitamins C, which cats have the ability to manufacture themselves, apparently increases antibody levels.

Vitamin E protects body cells, tissues and organs.

It is also believed by some nutritionists that vitamin D, the B-complex of vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium and manganese can all play roles in helping to create an efficient immune system.

If your cat is suffering from an autoimmune condition his/her diet should contain sufficient glutamine and fibre which allows production of short-chain fatty acids both of which help to nourish cells which line the small and large intestines.

EFA supplements (fish oil, oil of evening primrose) are said to enhance immune system function.

Relaxation Therapy

I think we all realise that stress has a negative impact upon the immune system.  Therefore, any therapy which reduces negative emotions may have a positive effect upon the immune system.

Therapeutic Massage

Gently stroking and massaging your cat can reduce stress and induce relaxation both of which may also strengthen the immune system.

Pheromone Therapy

It is said that the feeling of euphoria can enhance the immune system by stimulating the occupation of cell receptor sites with natural body chemicals preventing viruses from using the receptor sites to gain access to the cell. How pheromones work.

Transfer Factors

I have a page on mysterious transfer factors!

If you want to find out where to get the products referred to I’d Google “herbal remedies cats” and/or “supplements cats” as starting points and go from there.

Source: Natural Health Care by Dr Fogle ISBN: 0-7513-0611-8

10 thoughts on “Boosting a Cat’s Immune System Naturally”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Robert, I don’t know this product sadly. I wish I did and I wish I could help you. I can see that you are concerned about the vaccinations that a kitten has to undergo and I can understand that. I think a vet would not recommend any special foods but instead recommend the best quality wet food for kittens that you can buy. It seems to me that tansfer factors are not main stream enough to be recommended. But if you are keen to use it you might telephone your veterinarian for a quick phone consult. Some veterinarians that practice holistic and homeopathic medicine recommend treatment by transfer factors. It is a proactive measure. For example Rob Robertson, M.D. says that almost all pet illness can be referred back to a failure of some sort of the immune system. So boosting it and making it more effective can help prevent disease. Another example is provided by Dr. Falconer DVM in response to a question about treating bone cancer in pets. He recommends the transfer factors product used for humans at 2 capsules a day as part of the treatment (src: Shirley’s Wellness Cafe). Good luck.

  3. Hi,
    We will be adopting a kitten within the next few months, in which we would like your feed back on TF feline complete. This product I believe is sold by Ramaekers Nutrition in California. I thought it is under Complete & Immune Support Plus instead of TF Feline Complete. Which is the better 7 safe one for kiitens immune system? Do you know of a product that will support the kitten,s organs being damaged by the vacinations that the kiiten’s are given? Thank you very much.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Robert Armen

  4. You must be a natural healer Dee! I only did Reiki level one as my Reiki Master died 🙁 but I still feel heat in the palms of my hands when trying to pass some healing on to Babz or our cats.

  5. I’ve used NCTT (Non-contact Therapeutic touch)at times for pain and anxiety.
    I used it a whole lot when my old dog suffered from hip dysplasia, and it worked well. The palms of my hand are red hot and emit a lot of heat, so I never had to touch his sore areas at all.

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