This cat rescue from a frozen lake is tense, no doubt about it, but for me it is also slightly irritating. That sounds strange and unkind but I’ll explain. I don’t like the way the woman (Hilda Schurg?) is bossing around the man to do something to save the cat. She encourages him to jump in. In this age of equality why didn’t she jump in? And the screams of encouragement only serve to irritate.
Note: make sure the sound is turned on (icon bottom-right).
Perhaps she was operating the camera and making a diabolical job of it. Horrible camera work (deliberate?). Great cat rescue. Sorry if I sound too critical. The guy was brave to do it and he got cut by the ice. The cat was saved. It looked like the cat was fading in the cold water through exhaustion.
P.S. I wonder if this has been set up – the whole thing. I really do. It feels odd to me.
Here is the rescue from an article….
Not only can’t I see the video here, but when I find it elsewhere (
College Student Rescues Cat That Fell In Frozen Lake) the audio can’t be heard and it messed with my computer somehow so I can’t hear anything. Weird. Glad the cat was rescued. Terrible camera work; VERY annoying.
To me the video is suspect,why would a cat be in the freezing water during the winter and her moving the camera around so dam much I started yelling at my monitor,that woman got on my bloody nerves and I hope the cat returned to it’s home and is warm and safe.
You made me laugh… (punch the owners). Yeah, I agree.
Whenever I see these videos of animal rescues my critical mind asks things like why was the cat in the water in the first place. So even in legit rescues I see human beings diving into insane conditions due to some other humans animal neglect. It’s why my husband is no longer a first responder but works for a private company. Both of us have risked life and limb to save an animal in distress. Mostly I just want to go punch the owners afterwards.
The last thing needed during any rescue is hysterical fuckwits shouting and screaming.
Maybe the woman was physically unable to jump in and rescue the cat herself?
No mention of what happened to the poor cat afterwards.
Plenty of shots of the young man, sultry & semi-clothed, gazing into the lens. A few tiny ice scratches, aww, diddums.
I hope the poor cat was cared for properly after rescue and his/her people found.
If I see an animal in distress, reaching for a device to film it never occurs to me. I just get on with helping that being in need.