Breeding Cats for Function is the Only Ethical Standard.

by Jane

Why oh why oh why oh why oh why?

The dwarfism gene in ANY animal is just a disaster waiting to happen. Health problems abound. Read up on Melvin, he has some health issues which aren’t going away anytime soon. If Melvin hadn’t found a home with such great people he would have died. They have worked tirelessly (and still are working hard) to ensure he gets the best care for his issues. It will be a long road. Melvin is lucky. Many cats with the dwarfism issue are not so lucky.

Really, teacup is a novelty, a train wreck of genetics, conjured up to satisfy the shallow public who want a tiny animal to carry about and show off. This depresses me so much.

It’s also a bit worrying to read “Shots can apparently contribute to the occurrence of cancer, it seems”

These tiny cats are going to have enough problems, just because of the dwarfism gene without the extra risk from low immunity to the common feline illness. I know the standard vaccine dose has been a problem for teacups.

Really, people, please stop exploiting genetics that lead to deformity. Breeding for function is the only ethical standard to follow.


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Breeding Cats for Function is the Only Ethical Standard.

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Jan 29, 2011
Oh So Right!!!
by: Linda

I rescued a teacup kitty who was used in a backyard breeding situation. She’s had one problem after another and we finally have her stabilized, I hope. I’m not sure whether it was her size or the fact she was bred so much or a combination which led to all her problems.

One MAJOR problem you didn’t mention was anytime these tiny cats need medical care, the vet has to take the size into consideration. For example, clavamox (an antibiotic) was prescribed (not by my usual vet) for my cat at the standard dosage level of an adult cat. It nearly killed her with vomiting and diarrhea, because the dosage was for a 10lb cat, not a 3.2lb cat. My usual vet has learned to adjust everything to Maggie’s size and refers to her as an “adult kitten”.

I just don’t understand why people who claim they love animals would breed animals that will have major health issues. Are people so greedy???

Oct 03, 2010
You’re dumb
by: Anonymous

Dwarfism is not something you can control.

Sep 27, 2009
Consumer culture
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Thank you, Jane, for bringing up this subject. I suppose it’s part of consumer culture to always be looking for another novelty or passing fad (like the Chihuahua pocket dogs), but it is indeed worrying, when serious deformities are bred on for a special look only.
The diversity of cats all stems from genetic mutations that occurred at some time and there’s nothing wrong with the idea of creating new breeds or refining existing. It must however be done in a responsible way and not rushed at the expense of the health of the animal.

Sep 27, 2009
How I agree
by: Ruth

Jane you are so right !! Why can’t some people leave Nature alone,they are always wanting to mess about and create mutations of animals which are already perfect as they are.They give no thought to the problems those poor creatures will suffer !
Cats are free spirits and born with the right to enjoy their lives, just as we are.
I hate the thought of any cat being especially bred to be gawped at and not allowed to live its life as a cat should !

Sep 26, 2009
I am with you
by: Anonymous

I am one of those people who is with you on this. Well said. I don’t think enough emphasis generally (across the board) is placed on health in the breeding of cats. Perhaps things are changing, however.

2 thoughts on “Breeding Cats for Function is the Only Ethical Standard.”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Yes and it is entirely wrong. Breeding to extreme is the biggest weakness in the cat fancy. The other bad thing about the cat fancy is that breeders create more cats when there are millions of unwanted cats killed at shelters yearly.

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