Bridge I-526 rescue: “This cat will see another day thanks to an observant citizen and a careful law enforcement officer.”

A cat who got itself into a dangerous situation was rescued from a bridge in North Charleston, South Carolina on Thursday afternoon. These are the heroes who undertook the dangerous rescue to get the cat to safety.

cat rescued from bridge
cat rescued from bridge on I-526 in Charleston (Facebook)

The Charleston County Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post that drivers had reported seeing the cat several times this week alongside the Westmoreland Bridge. The bridge links West Ashley and North Charleston on I-526.

Animal Control Deputy Kim Poirier found the cat clinging to a drainage pipe along the eastbound span and was able to safely rescue the cat.

I-526 bridge

The Facebook: Charleston County Sheriff’s Office posted the photos and information about the rescue to their community page on Friday

“A lost grip and a fall into the pluff mud below likely would have spelled doom for the critter. Piorier had never seen anything like it. Despite her own nervousness that the cat might fall, the deputy managed to pull the feline to safety.

cat hanging on
Cat was hanging on for several days (Facebook)

The cat is being treated for an injury and dehydration at the Charleston Animal Society.

Not sure how many of her nine lives were used this time, but this cat will see another day thanks to an observant citizen and a careful law enforcement officer.”

Our thanks go out to those who reported the distressed cat as well as to Animal Control Office Poirier and the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office.

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