Brighton cat is recovering after a 40-mile ride trapped in the engine compartment of a neighbor’s car

A one-year-old Brighton cat survived serious injuries after being trapped in the engine compartment of a neighbor’s car for 40 miles. This story caught my interest not only because of the cat surviving the ride but because the cat lives in Brighton, East Sussex, which has seen at least 25 cat killings over the past nine months or so.

Brighton cat injured

Chi is a tabby belonging to Kaylie Banks, 30. Kaylie said she returned home from work one day and couldn’t find Chi. After searching the house she decided to ask several neighbors if they’d seen her missing cat. One neighbor stepped up and said he’d found Chi trapped beneath the bonnet of his car. The grill of the car had to be removed to reach the stressed out cat.

After being taken to PDSA’s Brighton pet hospital, Chi was put under anesthesia to clean and repair burns and remove a large amount of dead tissue. A PDSA spokeswoman told BBC News

“There was a large amount of dead tissue that needed to be removed After recovering from the procedure, Chi was able to go home, complete with a ‘buster’ collar to protect her injuries.”

Chi is expected to make a full recovery and is healing well.

cat and family

Kaylie PLEASE keep Chi inside. An arrest has been made of a man suspected of killing 25 cats in Brighton. The problem is he was arrested for another crime and is still out there. Click here for that article written in early June.

Photos courtesy of PDSA.

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