I have been researching whether Brigitte Bardot had cat companions in her menagerie of animals. There is a dearth of information on this.
We know that Brigitte Bardot loves animals and is very protective of them. She hates animal cruelty. It hurts her. She is fearless in defending animals. She has little concern for her public image. She has shunned plastic surgery and is now confined to a wheelchair (she is 83).
And I love her. I admire her hugely. I love the rejection of plastic surgery. This points to realism and integrity. She has a huge amount of integrity. She is a great woman for me.
In 1990, regarding animal abuse, she said:
“Things are getting worse and worse. It is a painful, terribly sad story. When I think of what animals suffer, I cry and cry. I cannot understand how a civilised society can allow such cruelty.”
So what about her cats? Well getleashedmag.com says she has a large number of animals under her direct care of which 20 are cats. They must all be rescue cats. She has rescue dogs too and ducks and hens and…Of course things change and I don’t know what the situation is today regarding Bardot’s cat companions. In conclusion, we don’t know how many cats Brigitte Bardot looks after but it is probably more than one and less than 20!
She appears to love all animals more or less equally. However the quote:
“I am really a cat transformed into a woman. I purr. I scratch. And sometimes I bite.”
…indicates a particular fondness for domestic cats. She is a special lady. She gave her youth and looks to men and now gives her life to animal welfare.
Une dame fantastique.
P.S. Some other cat loving stars include: Fred Astaire, Warren Beatty, Doris Day (another huge animal welfare activist), Charles Laughton, Robert De Niro, Edward G. Robinson, Elizabeth Taylor, Franco Zeffireli.
Dear Michael, thank you for everything that you bring to us… and just going thru some older postings, so lovely to come across this of our beautiful Brigitte Bardot and her huge compassionate heart… and thank you for yours too!!!
Yes, she’s an eternally lovely woman in every way.