British Princess Says Animals Don’t Have Rights

Princess Michael of Kent, one of Britain’s aristocrats whose family home is in Austria, believes that animals do not have rights because they can’t vote, they don’t have bank accounts and you only have rights if you pay taxes. You have to earn rights and animals don’t earn rights and therefore they do not have rights.

Princess Michael
Princess Michael

The Princess has a habit of putting her foot in her mouth and disengaging her brain because she is plainly incorrect on so many levels. Firstly, the Animal Welfare Act 2006 grants animals rights in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Numerous examples of animal welfare legislation across the globe in effect grants rights to animals in very many ways and to different extents.

The Princess said:

“I’m a great animal lover and I’m involved in a lot of conservation, but animals don’t have rights. They don’t have bank accounts. They don’t vote. We have obligation [sic]. We have obligation [sic] to animals but to say they have rights? They don’t have rights. You only have rights if you pay your taxes. You earn your rights.”

The comment quite naturally drew a sharp response from animal rights people and indeed anybody who is concerned about animal welfare. Elisa Allen, the associate director of PETA said:

“Peta urges Princess Michael to study the subject, rather than making an off-the-cuff statement that reflects ignorance of the issue of what fundamental rights animals have, which do not include the right to drive a car or build up an overdraft.”

She makes the point that in Britain women were denied the right to own property and gain custody of their children or even to vote not so long ago. Even today in certain parts of the world humans of certain ethnic groups are denied basic rights. It isn’t about owning bank accounts and paying taxes it’s about an attempt at creating a civilised world. And in attempting to create a civilised world it is absolutely natural to grant rights to animals who share the world with us.

Princess Michael likes her fur coats of which she has 14. She dislikes squirrels and foxes. She says that you can’t keep warm in Austria unless you were a fur coat in the winter. I don’t think she’s a true conservationist. I also don’t think that she truly loves animals as she claims. It is sad to say but she is essentially a rather ignorant aristocrat of which there are probably quite a few.

At one time, her dislike of squirrels tempted her into putting shards of glass inside her Christmas wreath because squirrels were making a meal of it. The intention was to hurt squirrels. The RSPCA criticised her for this suggestion. No one who is truly concerned about animals would seek to harm any animal and neither would they wear fur coats.

12 thoughts on “British Princess Says Animals Don’t Have Rights”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I meant “How do those toes taste.” *Sighs* That’s what I get for trying to think so early in the morning. It’s 630AM here.

  3. That princess twit worships money, which is obvious by her qualification that animals don’t pay taxes and have bank accounts. I guess we peasants must all contribute so the rich get richer. And I bet she doesn’t realize that her statement applies to a lot of people who are on the lower end of the economic scale. Yeah, Princess Michael, open wide, insert foot. How do those toes feel?

  4. Spot on Dee – These institutions have built up such wealth being free from all taxes. Give more to animal welfare. More of these beautiful creatures are
    what the world needs! Just love them

  5. Exactly. Church officials don’t pay taxes either. Is there anyone who believes that a priest or the Pope pays taxes?

  6. Her comments about animals not having rights because they don’t pay taxes or have bank accounts, could equally apply to people living on benefits. What about celebrities and global Companies who use tax avoidance schemes? Does she also believe they should not have rights?

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