Broken Destiny~part 1

by Morningstar

This is a calico cat MAYA photographed by Giane Portal on Flickr

This is a calico cat MAYA photographed by Giane Portal on Flickr

Hi. I’m Morningstar, the old leader of both Ivy Clan and Sky Clan. This is my story of love.

It all started when I got my warrior name. Yes, that is when my story began.....

...."Do you promise to fight for your Clan -- even if it costs you your life?", mews Hopestar as I face her. "I do!", I mew confidently, my gold eyes glowing.

"Then, from this day, you will no longer be known as Blossompaw. You will now be known as Blossomdrop!", she yowls from high in the trees.

I smile with pride as I officially was an Ivy Clan warrior. The rest of the apprentices glare at me with envy and then whine, "Why does Blossomdrop get to be a warrior?" I smirk and sit ever so vigilant in our camp.

The Medicine Cat, Beartooth, appears behind me and I jump up as he whispers, "You will be a great leader . . . . but, you cannot let anything distract you . . . ." I look at him confused but I could not talk while being vigilant, and he walked away. I look toward the camp entrance and I hear something in the distance. I SMELL WOLF! I yowl, "Wolves!!!!" The cats race out of their dens. The wolves storm into camp and the battle begins. My claws slide out as I charge straight for the alpha, but he throws me into a tree and everything goes black.

My eyes flutter open. I see a starry, pelted cat sitting in front of me and as the haze cleared from my head, I knew I was in Star Clan! I mew, crying, "I am dead!" The Star Clan tom chuckles and promises, "You’re not dead, sister!" I look at the tom, "Sister?" I mew confused . . . then it hits me, "Black Kit!" I tackle my brother.

He pushes me away from him and mews, "Blossomdrop! Most of your Clan is dead. None are as strong as you! You need to become Ivy Clan’s leader!" I look at him and I say, "I.... can’t ..... I don’t know how to run a Clan!" My brother knowingly nods.

"Hope will light your path -- but -- dawn will destroy it!", Black Kit purrs in a haunting tone, then disappears. I stare at the spot we were just standing at . . . everything swirls into daylight.

I awake, laying next to a tree. Blood covers my calico fur. I slowly roll to my feet and stretch each muscle, feeling numbing pain coursing through my body. Carefully, I pad to the other living cats. I help, as best I can, to get each one to the Medicine Cat’s den, then I walk away.

On the ground ahead of me I notice a beat and limp body; I scream, then wail! "Hopestar!", I cry! I look all of the death around me. Anger sparks through me. I will use this anger, and commitment, to help me keep my promise to make Ivy Clan as strong . . . No! Stronger! Than any Clan -- ever!

All at once, I see a bush moving, and I run at it. There sits the black she-cat Crowpaw, Beartooth’s apprentice. I blurt out crying, "He. . . he died!"

"Beartooth was killed . . . saving me.", I whisper. She mews in a scared tone, pointing to Beartooth’s lifeless body. Then, I look, not really wanting to, at poor Beartooth and sigh, "Crowpaw, it is time for you to become the Medicine Cat."

"But, both the leader and the deputy are dead. .", Crowpaw mewed. My eyes glow and I yowl, "Then we will vote for a new leader. All cats gather!" The cats that made it through the skirmish limp out of their dens and gather around High Tree. I jump onto High Tree and I look down at the cats below. My eyes twinkle in awe as I look at the view. I can see the entire forest. Crowpaw jumps up next to me and signals me to go on.

I slowly nod and yowl, "Cats . . . as you know, your beloved leader, Hopestar, and our loved deputy, Dragon Wing, have both died in this terrible massacre. It is time we as a Clan pick our new leader!" The cats below look up at me and I hear a voice say, "I think Blossomdrop should be your leader! She has shown her loyalty, power and leadership!"

I turn to the voice and see that it is Crowpaw who had somehow slipped past me and moved back to the ground. "I agree!", mews Shadowflight, a senior warrior. My eyes widen as I watch all of the others agree.

"Then, it is decided. Blossomdrop is Ivy Clan’s new leader. Her journey to the Moon Pool will start tomorrow!", cheers Crowpaw. I smile with great pride.

"Tomorrow we begin putting everything back together. Now we must get some sleep!", I order. The cats walk to their dens and I head to the place that is mine. I curl up in my large, warm den. I fall asleep.

I wake up to Crowpaw. The truth is that Crowpaw was my best friend . . . . and my sister. She mews, "Wake up leader of Ivy Clan!" I smile, then race out of my den. I grab some warriors, and with Crowpaw, scurry through the territory. I look over the border and I see two cats -- one gold furred and the other -- a handsome brown-furred tom with shimmering green eyes. "Hello!", I yowl, my blue eyes glittering.

"Hey!", they say back. "Nice to meet you! I am Blossomdrop!", I mew, my eyes not leaving the brown-furred one. "I am Dawnstorm -- nice to meet you!" His green eyes and mine meet and hold, as Crowpaw reminds me that I am Ivy Clan’s new leader. "My great leader, Hopestar, has died, so I have been voted as the Clan’s new leader.", I announce.

Dawnstorm stares at me. "Hmm . . . I have never heard of Ivy Clan.", says Lionstar, Dawnstorm’s ally. I race off yelling, "I need to get my nine lives!" That was the first time I had met Dawnstorm and Lionstar. I never knew it would bring me to a new adventure -- a new world -- a new life.

Time had passed quickly. I had obtained my new nine lives and I had grown more confident in my leadership abilities and myself. But at one point I was again warned, "Hope will light your path, but Dawn will block it! Take heed!" I heard the warning, my eyes flickering as I was told, but I as I headed back to find Lionstar and Dawnstorm again, I put the warning somewhere in the back of all of the things on my mind.

Although a short time had passed before I found my two new friends, it seemed and eternity. I couldn’t wait to see them again, especially Dawnstorm. At last, I had caught them scampering through the forest and as I raced towards them, I was completely caught off-guard as Dawnstorm screeched, “Who is your mate?” I slide to a stop and stare at him for what seems a long while. I sadly admit, "I do not have a mate. Why do you ask?" He hesitates, another long while, then does not answer.

My eyes meet his and a great smile spreads across my face. A she-cat who had overheard our conversation, sides up to me and whispers in my ear, "I think Dawnstorm likes you!" Dawnstorm flinches. I know he has heard the she-cat’s loud whisper. I could detect the heat of embarrassment emanate from his pelt.

I caught his eyes and asked, "Do you? Do you like me?" Dawnstorm looks at the ground, then slowly raises his eyes to meet mine, "Yes . . ." I felt a joy I had never known rush through me but the warning I had earlier can back from somewhere within and I stopped cold. I recalled the prophecy told of dawn stopping me. Now I was conflicted. I truly loved him with a very innocent love. "W..w.w.will you be my mate?", he finally asked. No matter what the prophecy said, my heart raced and I said, maybe a little too fast, "Yes! A million times yes!" At that time, my destiny became broken and the prophecy was shattered.

Love was now in control. He.... he was my .... everything.


From Broken Destiny~part 1 to Warrior Cats

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Broken Destiny~part 1

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Aug 02, 2011
by: Spottedwish

I loved the story but when will you do part 2? I can't wait to read the end of this story. Please do a part 2 soon!

Jan 11, 2011
by: Aqua

Umm the end was kinda of weird you should of added more..

Dec 08, 2010
where it is
by: lionstar

I posted it on rising leader I wanna see part two

Nov 07, 2010
by: Morningstar

I WON! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY ~~~( i'm so weird) * starts dancing * IN YO FACE!!!!!(lol)

Nov 07, 2010
Hi Lionstar
by: Michael

To Lionstar (comment) - Sorry but could you explain what you mean. It is not clear to me.

Michael Avatar

Nov 07, 2010
Hi Morningstar
by: Michael

Hi, You are the winner of the Warrior Cats writing competition - well done.

As I mentioned at the beginning you will need a PayPal account to receive the prize.

Please contact me at:


substitute [at] with @

This is to prevent someone hijacking my email address.

Michael Avatar

Oct 30, 2010
by: lionstar(the one on poc and in the book of broken destiny)

michael can you check my chapter one -2 post please

Sep 25, 2010
by: ethanrok

this is so much like the actual book. seriously, it is so good u should write more, turning it into a book. and i don't think its stealing the idea because u have probably won this writing competition, so it could be another series of warriors.And just so you know im currently writing writing a new version of warriors called gladiators and it is about wolf packs, like the cat clans. all in all i enjoyed your little start of your possible new warriors series. thank you for writing such a wonderful story and hope you continue this nice story. i want to read more of it and so i want you to keep writing for all of the fans that have read your nice story. thank you very much

Sep 21, 2010
by: Morningstar


Sep 07, 2010
This is a good sotry
by: Firestar of ThunderClan from POC

This is a awesome story! It's so cute! It's got action, love, and adventure in it! It's like..the perfect book! Just like Warrior Cats but much shorter!

Sep 04, 2010
Hi Morningstar
by: Michael

I have changed the photo to one of MAYA a lovely active cat living in Brazil! The photographer is Giane who is a lovely person who rescues cat and takes great photos of them too.

I hope you like this one.Maya looks as if she could be a warrior cat to me.

Michael Avatar

Sep 03, 2010
my glory
by: morningstar

thanks..i'm so proud of my self but actually i was wondering if u could get a different picture..because plainly..that one scares me but thanks so much for the rating.

Sep 03, 2010
Hi Morningstar
by: Michael

Love the story. I am so pleased that you have written this! I was wondering if any warrior cat could do it. You can.

This goes into the competition announced on the Warrior Cats page and is (obviously) the current leader!

I hope you find the photo OK.

Well done.

Michael Avatar

3 thoughts on “Broken Destiny~part 1”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Do you wanna hear some lionclaw, snowwisker, dawnfur & duskpelt, they have to go together ,blackstorm, silverwing, redleaf, greenflower, moonwave & sunripple also have to go together appledrop, gorgedip ………. Ect I guess …

  3. Great job with the book, I wanted to see if you wanted any help I have like a 100,000,000,000,007 made up warrior cat names!

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