Broken heroin addict gets well with the help of her family and two cats

This is a story which is worth reporting. It is not mainly about cats but about a person but then again, the life of domestic cats is always about people at the end of the day. I don’t know the name of the woman but she posted a pretty harrowing picture on the website. It shows her when she was at the bottom of her journey to the bottom as a drug addict and the after-photograph shows her very happy and confident.

Before and after photo of a herion addict who cleaned up with the help of 2 cats and her family
Before and after photo of a herion addict who cleaned up with the help of 2 cats and her family. Photos: The woman’s mother but I don’t know her name.

The before photograph shows her weighing 93 pounds, living on the streets and in fear and pain while addicted to meth and heroin. She said that she was waiting to die. In addition, she had endocarditis twice from her drug addiction and a hole in her heart.

Her mother rescued her and took the photograph on the left. She fought hard afterwards over nine months and kept clean and gained 40 pounds. She has a place to live and her family and her two cats to support her.

“My mom took that picture when she went to rescue me. Right: I took this picture tonight. Didn’t care about angles. Just wanted to show my happiness. 9 months clean. I fought hard for months in the hospital, survived heart surgery, gained 40 pounds, got a place to live, and I have my family and my two cats that help me.”

As usual, it is the word “cats” which caught my eye. It’s a statement that she makes in passing but for me, running this cat website, it’s a central part of the story. Domestic cats can be incredibly supportive. Sometimes people take them for granted. And they are uncomplaining, stoic and generally un-demanding. That is partly why they are so popular.

However, their simple presence, the emotional warmth they bring us, their gentle healing purr and above all their companionship make us smile and feel loved. Don’t underestimate the power of the domestic cat at times when you need a little bit of support.

I say very well done to the woman. I think one reason why she has posted the before and after photograph and admitted to her drug addiction is because she knows that it will help boost her self-esteem and make her even more confident.

Low self-esteem is a terrible mental health condition which can severely impact a person’s well-being, their life-chances and achievements.

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